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Greenekyle Asked June 2023

My wife has dementia and we now live in NC. My wife will sometimes start packing a bag saying she has to go back to NH to be with her kids.

Also she says she leaving to go to the airport, 70 miles away. How do I respond and redirect. I'm running out of white lies.

babsjvd Jun 2023
My mil is packing all the time to go home.., asking to go home etc.. I finally convinced my husband he needs to tell the white lies ..

yup, your all set for tomorrow
the movers are coming next week

tell her the airline called and flight rescheduled for next week…
rinse , repeat your therapeutic lies…

Beatty Jun 2023
She's thinking of her kids, missing them. Reminiscencing about fond memories? Is there a photo album to get out?


Fawnby Jun 2023
Keep using the same old white lies. She’s probably not remembering what you said last time.

Way2tired Jun 2023
Have you tried telling her that the house is being renovated and you can’t go back yet ?


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