Possibly, through VA's Veteran-Directed Care program that gives a vet a small sum to use however needed to care for their needs at home.
If you haven't already, call the Social Work office at the Escondido VA Center (760-466-7020). Hopefully you'll get a sharp social worker who will help you meet your goals.
Since your a vietnam Vet are you not getting help thru the VA since your disability is caused by agent orange? There is Aids and Attendance but receiving that would be based on who is paying for ur AL. If another government entity, like Medicaid, u can't get Aids and Attendance too. Maybe $90 a month for personal needs.
Since we are just people caring for LOs, we do not know the ins and outs of the VA. If u were not a Vet, I would tell you to call your County disabilities department. But in my opinion, the VA should be doing everything they can for you.
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If you haven't already, call the Social Work office at the Escondido VA Center (760-466-7020). Hopefully you'll get a sharp social worker who will help you meet your goals.
Since we are just people caring for LOs, we do not know the ins and outs of the VA. If u were not a Vet, I would tell you to call your County disabilities department. But in my opinion, the VA should be doing everything they can for you.