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Blackmonlori819 Asked October 2023

Need to find an attorney.

I need to find help to report and get an attorney. I want to go against the assisted living facility and the doctor that worked with the assisted living facility. Also Florida social worker with Sunshine Health.
I have documentation of abuse and neglect. NO ONE else should go through this again. Thank you

MACinCT Oct 2023 find the tab to find an attorney. Next plug in your zip code. This list are accredited

Fawnby Oct 2023
I'm very sorry for what you and mom went through. You may be able to file complaint forms with various agencies, and you could do that yourself. Don't expect them to notice, however.

My advice, though, is about your plan to take on the AL facility, doctors, and social worker. Since you are looking for a lawyer, I'm assuming a lawsuit. As a lawyer and longtime friend told me, "there is no such thing as truth, justice and the American way." I agree that "NO ONE should have to go through this again." But it is sure that no matter what you do, someone will somewhere.

At best, you hope to hold that particular facility accountable. Such places have teams of lawyers for situations like yours. They're accustomed to defending from both real and specious claims. Many people have complaints, and some hope to benefit financially because Granny hit her head or saw a cockroach and every kind of thing.

You may have documentation, but you may not have a case. Also, many lawyers, knowing what they're up against in this sort of thing, may not choose to represent you. How much are you willing to spend? You'll need a Florida lawyer, and you are in Michigan. In Florida a few years ago, I paid $500 an hour for legal representation in a real estate matter. That includes phone calls, their legwork in building the case, filings, depositions of various people. Mediation, court costs, travel costs to and from the courthouse or mediations. Are you willing to be deposed? Only you, or others too, such as family members, health workers, etc.? Are you ready for court summonses arriving at your door? Are you ready for a case that takes up a great deal of time start to finish? Travel to Florida for multiple hearings?

Now that mom is safe and close to you, you'll have much to do for her. Make her your priority and save yourself the anguish of a lawsuit.


AlvaDeer Oct 2023
We don't have attorneys on this site. We are a national group of caregivers advising other caregivers. You will have to go online in your area and do a few phone interviews with attorneys to make a choice for your own case. Good luck.

Grandma1954 Oct 2023
There are advertisements a plenty on TV and radio for attorneys that claim to take "nursing home abuse and neglect cases".
If you have gone through all the "normal" steps the State Abuse hotline, the State Ombudsman, filed you complaints/concerns on the Medicare/Medicaid website and all have done nothing then filing a lawsuit might be an option.
I am a firm believer that the only one that "wins" a lawsuit are the lawyers.
Filing a suit like this might take YEARS so be prepared.

I am sorry for what might have occurred and I do hope you get a resolution.


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