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Rozipozi Asked November 2023

How can I get help for my 100 year old mother who is moving home with me because she has been dismissed from hospice care?

A after a tragic fall in her assisted living facility resulting in 2 brain bleeds, my mother was placed on hospice care. She remained on hospice care for 2 years. Now just months shy of her 100 birthday, she is being released from hospice because she is stable.. My mother cannot walk, transfer, toilet, or turn herself without aid. she has a shunt in her head, terrible Arthritis (Resulting in one knee and one hip replacement) 100% hearing loss and she is blind 100% in one eye. She is stable today, but suffers with Chronic bedsores with scars all over her skin from healing ulcerative wounds on her legs arms and buttocks area. How can I get
Affordable home care for my mom.

NeedHelpWithMom Nov 2023
Tragic story. I am so sorry 😞.

MeDolly Nov 2023
She has too much wrong with her to be under home care. If she does not have the money, apply for Medicaid and place her in a nursing home.

No one will be able to care for her properly at home.

I wish you the best.


lealonnie1 Nov 2023
Where was mom living with hospice care??

funkygrandma59 Nov 2023
Sadly you won't be able to find "affordable home care" for your mom. But in all reality your mom shouldn't being going to anyone's home anyway with all the issues she has. She needs to placed in a skilled nursing facility and hospice can help you with that.
And of course if money is an issue you can apply for Medicaid for her.
And I would perhaps check with another hospice agency in your area and see if she might qualify with them. I know in the city I live in we have access to at least 5 different hospice agencies that service our city.
The fact that your mom is almost 100 alone should qualify her, and then you add all her other issues and to me it's a no brainer.
Best wishes in bringing another hospice agency on board and finding placement for your mom.

AlvaDeer Nov 2023
I don't believe that you can get said help at home.
I don't think that this care should be attempted at home.
I think that if your Mom was in a in-facility hospice that their social workers should now do discharge planning to a FACILITY, not to YOUR home.
olddude Nov 2023
Quite frankly, with that laundry list of ailments, she should probably be in hospice.

I don't understand why they are discharging her.
ZippyZee Nov 2023
If mom is not independently wealthy, she needs to be in a nursing home with that laundry list of health problems.
AlvaDeer Nov 2023
Yes, perhaps an SNF with this level of skin deterioration.
sp196902 Nov 2023
Care at home is very expensive. Why can't mom go into a skilled nursing facility?

KNance72 Nov 2023
try Next door ( Neighborhood Listings ) - Place a ad or has people offering their services - see what elder strives can help you with, get a social worker and a primary care Doctor involved .


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