My mom has dementia and is definitely the word salad type. She can not make a full sentence, in general. Tonight my sister said she heard mom in her room having a conversation using full sentences in her sleep. I heard a voice but thought it was my sister on the phone so I didn't listen.
How can this be? Is it possible? Has anyone here experienced this?
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My Mom would close her eyes and talk normally. It was felt when they closed their eyes it shut out all the visual sensations that confuse them.
My mom would have night terrors and scream in her sleep. She was always relieved when I woke her up.
She did calm down after being placed on meds.
So it is also possible with dementias, some more than others, for the conversations. Lewy's is quite notorious for it I think, and Lewy's wouldn't you know it, was what my bro had. He would hallucinate often when he would get up and go to the bathroom. So he would try to converse then, half asleep, but also in dreams occasionally.
Just looked up acting out in dreams and find they call it "dream-enacting" behavior. Many psychotropic meds can also contribute to this.
I met a lady this week, very much mostly communicates with 'word salad'. I said something in a sing-song voice & received a full normal sentence!
The brain is amazing isn't it?