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AKcabinT Asked January 2024

How do I get affordable AL help?

My husband 58 is suffering from early Dementia, mini strokes, diabetes, seizures. He is beyond my caregiving ability. I must still work fulltime. He is at the stage where he can not be home by himself. his brother was staying but that soon will not be possible. How do I get him into an AL program when I can not afford the monthly cost?

JoAnn29 Jan 2024
Yes, see an elder lawyer. ALs are private pay and very few states cover the cost.

cxmoody Jan 2024
Please see an attorney specializing in Elder law.

Your assets can be divided, and if your husband qualifies for a Medicaid placement, his half can be spent down.

Most ALs do not accept Medicaid, but there are some that do.

The attorney can help you with all of this.


mstrbill Jan 2024
You need to get a social worker to manage his case. There are different ways to do this, you can have your husband’s Dr. send a referral to the local hospital’s social work department, you can make an inquiry at the local Agency on Aging, or if you don’t get any help there, you contact your state’s elder protection department. Keep in mind you don’t have to quit your job and you don’t have to go broke paying for care. Tell the SW you must work and your husband is a vulnerable adult and needs help. The SW will help getting him on a Medicaid program, either with in home help or, possibly eventually nursing home assistance.

NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2024
I’m very sorry that you and your husband are going through this. He’s so young.

Is he a veteran where he could receive benefits? Other than that I really don’t know what else there is.

Others on the forum will have suggestions.

Sending hugs and support your way. Wishing you peace as you continue on this difficult caregiving journey.


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