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ECounts48 Asked February 2024

How can I suggest that a male caregiver take over my place caring for a male patient?

he is 6'3" he weighs between 230 to 250 lbs

Isthisrealyreal Feb 2024
Take your clients name off your profile, You shouldn't be posting his personal information and location on the web. If something happens to him, YOU ARE responsible because of your actions.


NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2024
Tell the agency that you are no longer able to work for this man. Let them decide who they want to replace you with. If you feel that their client should have a male caregiver you can certainly state your concerns to the agency.


JoAnn29 Feb 2024
If u work for an agency I see no problem in asking if a man can take care of this man. Thats a big man for a woman.

ravensdottir Feb 2024
In a field where females are in the majority, it's not always possible. But there are still some (of any generation) who prefer not to have someone of the opposite sex be so - personal. And I would think the opposite also true; if Patient is a little TOO happy about it.

The weight/height concern is valid; if a Hoyer lift isn't available, a second set of hands is needed or someone who does powerlifting for a hobby (lol).

Your health is your greatest commodity; protect it.

lealonnie1 Feb 2024
Please remove your patients name from your profile!

You can tell your employer you're uncomfortable caring for such a large patient and wouldn't be able to catch him if he were slipping in the shower, etc. Same would apply to a woman that size.


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