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elvisman67 Asked February 18, 2024

The visit.

Almost 4 weeks since mom passed away and I am a numb walking zombie..... the emotional swings are crazy right now but on the other hand I am making progress after being on lockdown for the past 3 years as caregiver for my mom.. I'm starting to do normal things again such as walking/running in nature, getting in the car and driving without having to be accountable to anyone...those little freedoms are quite liberating and feel good as I am processing the loss of my mom..... a support group is in my near future to help as well..all the fun stuff is coming up soon- death certificates, banks, house, mom's taxes, estimate for inheritance tax owed for next year etc...onward and upward. Re "The Visit"...some strange stuff has been happening in this house for the past week:


1. Tuesday morning- my mom's cat who always slept with mom every night was howling loud and was acting quite strange...I went up to the room and the cat was on mom's bed....nothing unusual as I could see, so I went back downstairs... as soon as I got to the kitchen I heard a loud smash from mom's room...went back up and found this large unicorn statue smashed and broken on the floor...this statue is heavy and I don't think the cat threw it on the floor...the cat was still on the bed and was howling louder than the first time..... this I can't earthquakes to report either.


2. Wed morning I woke up and found a small picture of our dog on the pillow next to me.... wasn't there the night before... can't explain this either. this stuff normal after someone passes or am I going crazy???

Dawn88 Feb 26, 2024
You are very lucky to be contacted so directly. My beloved husband that died of cancer at 33 was all over the place for months after he died. He was scaring us or amazing us for months! Mostly me and several very close friends.

My favorite was in 2002, when we went to scatter his ashes in a river where we go rafting. We all met up at the river park, 8 people came in 2 cars. We launched our rafts, traveled bout 2 miles, and found a small island to take a break. It was a beautiful, peaceful spot. I did a short speech before sprinkling some ashes into the beautiful river current...One of his favorite slogans was, "Everything I touch I turn to gold." He was a talented man. His nickname was Rainbow Man, which Hawaiians call a "man of many colors." We went to Maui 5 times.

Afterward, we walked around the little island in our aqua shoes, in shallow water up to our knees. Someone suddenly called out, "Look down on the bottom!" Areas were covered with flecks of GOLD. We picked what we could and brought it home. It probably wasn't real karat gold, but it sure seemed like it.

On the way home, the 2 cars took 2 different routes, leaving at the same time. Heading home, the afternoon sky was filled with fluffy clouds, it was hot and muggy. I was looking up at the clouds, since some had those soft rainbow colors that rarely happen (called Sundogs). They were so pretty! Suddenly I saw his face faintly appear on the cloud that had those rainbow colors! I asked the rest in the car, "Do you see that?" We all did, and pulled off the highway, to watch his image on that cloud! We stared in awe about 5 minutes, until it faded away. It was unbelievable! Hard to deny it when 3 others saw it besides me.

The next morning, a gal from the other car (taking the different highway home) called me. She asked, "Did you notice anything in the sky yesterday on the way home?" I was shocked, and said, "Yes, I did." She said, "OK...did you see Brett's face in that colored cloud then??" I almost dropped the phone. The other group of 4 saw it the same time we did, from about 20 miles away. It wasn't just me, 7 people saw it!! How can that be explained?? It can't.

You had more of a direct "event." After meeting many psychics (James VanPrage, Sylvia Brown, John Edwards), reading books, and researching spirit contact, this is your LO's greatest gift of their spirit paying you a visit. The cat can't tell you, but I can. You know in reality that cat can't knock down a statue....and who on earth could place that picture on your pillow? Those 2 events were not easy to make happen, but her spirit was determined.

Remember the movie GHOST? The physical body died, but the Spirit remains until it finishes business on earth, then crosses over to the Other Side, usually referred to as Heaven. That's kind of how it works.

Your lockdown years of caregiving has been rewarded in the most incredible fashion. Keep watching, she's not done yet. Brett made his spirit known to myself and others for over a year in similar fashion. Now I only have dreams. I smile every time I think about those various was amazing! It helped me get through my grief.

I know I'm not crazy, I have a scientific mind. I'm not a religious person. But when 7 other people see it, who can argue? Your Grandma is one awesome lady.

NeedHelpWithMom Feb 26, 2024
I have never had any encounters with anyone who has died other than having dreams about them. I really don’t know how I would feel if I saw a spirit or had some kind of paranormal experience.

I have never had any desire to communicate with the dead, except when I was a kid in Girl Scouts. 😆

I used to watch Dark Shadows on television with my friends after school. We loved it! They were always having seances on that show.

So, when I went away for summer camp with my scout troop, we decided to have a seance.

The troop leader announced that it was bedtime. We were silly 12 year olds and didn’t obey the rules.

We decided to sit in a circle on the floor and try to contact my friend’s dead grandfather. Just as we asked for his spirit to come through, our troop leader started banging on our cabin door to tell us to go to bed.

We screamed when we heard the loud banging on the door! 😁 Then we started giggling because it was funny. The troop leader wasn’t laughing though! She was mad at us for not going to bed on time.


KNance72 Feb 22, 2024
The spirit may Linger for awhile till Business is Finished . I Know with My Mom at the end was quite the ordeal - Both My Mother and Brother ended up in the ER on Christmas Day - I got a call at 9:00 Pm " they were going to Put her on a Morphine drip and was I On the same Page ? " I said " - No we are not On the same Page as far as I Know she doesnt Have stage 4 cancer . " My Uncles drove to the Cape and got my Mother and took her to Boston . We couldn't find my brother for 4 days he was also at the hospital . Long story short - she was His Guardian and they had the same social security numbers . He was schizophrenic and was the One with stage 4 cancer . She was on Life support for 2 and a half weeks and had Pneumonia ( Dementia also ) They Placed a feeding tube into her and she Had a Heart attack the next day from the anesthesia and was brain dead . All the relatives were there - her whole family and siblings . We decided to turn off the machines and My cousins were going to Give me a ride home . As I was walking down the Hallway I Turned around and said " Mom Hurry up we are leaving . " And there she was walking down the hallway with her siblings Laughing and talking In spirit form - she died the next Morning . So Yes the spirit is still there for how long I do Not know . I then had to drive to Cape Cod alone and clean Out her apartment with a Moving crew and I said to myself " I wish I could talk to a priest . " After Moving some stuff and packing up a truck a Man came up to me In a wheel chair and he said " I am a Priest she Misses you she says " I will Miss Her " and we chatted for awhile . You are Lucky Not crazy .

Anxietynacy Feb 22, 2024
I have never believed in that stuff, either, and when people tell stories of a butterfly landing on them during a funeral or things like that I just think, if that gives them peace, then that's awesome.
But I did have a loved one die, going back 20 yrs now. Anyways, a week after the funeral and everything was settled down. I had a get together aty home to celebrate her life. I was getting my house ready for company. My brother got there first. I said to him , everyone Will be here soon, everyone except GiGi . And the second I said that, the smoke alarm went off and wouldn't stop. Me and my brother went through the whole house looking for smoke or something. The smoke alarm went off and me and my brother just looked at each other
thinking, that's was weird. I will never know if it was Gigi but it's comforting to think maybe it was. And I'm glad I wasn't the only one there or I would definitely think I was crazy

NeedHelpWithMom Feb 22, 2024

How are you doing? Any more visits from your mom?
elvisman67 Feb 26, 2024
Doing better and heeding the advice from everyone..."One day at a time"..."do not stress about the future...stay in the NOW". One more very odd thing that happened later in that same week- I unlocked the garage door one morning to find three shelving stands crashed to the ground with all the items on it smashed/broken.... I've lived here for 20 plus years and have never had that earthquake to report and the garage is locked at night...this happened that same week/later in the week as the other incidents I's been quiet ever since. The grief at times is so real..and it really hit hard when my mom's ashes/urn returned home.
JoAnn29 Feb 19, 2024
I have seen my Grandmother who visited me at least 17yrs aft her death at 42. An deceased Aunt came to me in a dream when I was going thru something with onevof my girls. She told me everything would be OK and hugged me. I still could feel that hug when I woke up. Mom, nothing. Maybe because at 89 with Dementia she passed peacefully. That she and I know where she was going. A better place than here.

ArtistDaughter Feb 19, 2024
I get most of my visits in dream form, but my mother did an awake visit to me several months after her death. It was different from the every day presence that I feel from both her and my sister. That day, though, I was crying in my studio and my mom came to me. She didn't knock something over, make a big splash on the painting of her, or anything like that, but she simply told me it was okay. It's okay. That's it. I did not hear her or see her, but she somehow said it anyway. And that was so like her, to sum it all up so simply without a lot of words or explanation.

lealonnie1 Feb 19, 2024
Animals and very young children have a much stronger sense of Spirit than we adults do. The cat sensed your mom who was present in her bedroom and who's Spirit was fooling around with the statue to get your attention and say hello. Same with the picture of your dog.

Pick up a book called Hello From Heaven which is all about these very things.....signs from our loved ones after they pass that they're still with us.

You're not crazy at all....just fortunate enough to be getting healing messages and hello's from Mom! 😁 It's nothing to do with "ghosts" or "paranormal" activity.......just our loved ones in energy form making their presence known. Keep an eye out for dreams (or visitations) from mom letting you know she's fine and healthy again in Spirit form.

PeggySue2020 Feb 19, 2024
My dh saw ghosts in his childhood and into adulthood. He’s 60 now, works at a ccrc and has seen shadows of people without the people.

AlvaDeer Feb 19, 2024
I never experienced paranormal activity either. And I would just LOVE to. I would give anything for some kind of communication from my Mom, my Dad, and especially my dear helpmate all our lives--my brother.

Some people have listed occurences such as your, Elvis. So I will say it isn't unusual.
So glad to hear from you, and--to me--it sounds like you are doing really well.

NeedHelpWithMom Feb 19, 2024

I am happy to hear that you are working through your grief and becoming involved in life again. I think you will benefit from joining a support group.

One on one therapy sessions are wonderful in helping a person process their emotions.

Group therapy is valuable also because you will be able to share your experiences with others who have been in your shoes. Plus, you will have the opportunity to hear different perspectives on how others are coping.

I have never experienced any paranormal activity in my home. I know others who have. I have had dreams of family members who have died.

All I can say is that some things are difficult to explain.

What do you think about these occurrences? Are you disturbed by them? Do you think they are a sign or visit from your mom? Were you anticipating any signs or was it a complete shock?

I find the paranormal fascinating but I don’t buy into the hype. I feel that many ‘so called’ psychics prey upon vulnerable people who are mourning their deceased family members. They are making a fortune by doing this and I find that disturbing.

I have never seen a ghost. I do know a few people who claim that they have seen their deceased family members. I don’t know what to think. They are credible people and I just listen as they tell me about their experiences. I am not disrespectful towards them.

A friend of mine is a retired principal of a high school. She was going through a tough time and said that she saw her mom sitting in the chair where she always sat. She said that she told her mother’s ghost that she didn’t want her to worry about her and that she could leave. She told me that she left and hasn’t shown up since then.


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