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LittleLostBlue Asked February 2024

APS (Adult Protective Services) questions.

My dad passed 3 yrs ago, my mom 2 yrs ago. I now live with my cousin. They left me a card in my cousins storm door to call them. I have only a learning disability, but I am scared they can take me away from my family. They’re wonderful to me and if I don’t call back what will happen? Will it make it worse? I'm so scared, can someone help me? My cousin's dad died at the end of December. My cousin is almost 30 and is in another town 2 hrs from where we live taking care of her elderly mom. I am here alone but I take care of myself well. Thank you so much, sorry so long just scared!

JoAnn29 Feb 2024
Someone has called thinking you should not be on your own. Is there a neighbor who is a little nosy or seems to be overly friendly asking questions. Would your cousin, be asking APS for a "Well Visit"?

You need to call the person who left the card. Let them come to your home. Show them that you have food in the home, its clean (does not have to be spotless). You can care for yourself. I would have someone u know with you. As long as they know ur capable of caring for yourself, there is no problem. You may find there are resources out there u can take advantage of.

I have a classmate that was in special needs classes back in the 50s and 60s. Not much was done for these students back then. She lived with her parents all her life, then took care of them. Her Mom into her 90s. She is on her own in the apartment she has lived in for years. She has a car and seems to be doing OK.

AlvaDeer Feb 2024
APS called you for WHAT. You are two cousins, likely close in age, who are roommates?
What conceivable business is this of APS?
You are not getting paid by this cousin to do care for him, or paying him to do care for you? You are not either one of your currently caregivers to anyone ELSE either, are you?

If I were you I would not be SCARED at all. I would be curious. I would call at once and make that appointment. I would welcome them into your home together and answer any questions they have honestly.

What do you imagine they can conceivably do to you and or to your cousin.

And yes, ignoring an official request can INDEED make whatever the problem is a good deal worse.

I hope you will update us. I wish you every luck, but I think this is just some sort of mix up. Has anyone in the neighborhood reported any problems with your home that you are aware of?


cwillie Feb 2024
Someone somewhere observed that you are living alone and was concerned for your safety, all you need to do is show that their concern is misplaced and you are safe and capable of living independently.

Isthisrealyreal Feb 2024
Uunless you are living with no food, water or ability to take care of your activities of daily living, APS is not going to take you out of your home.

More than likely, someone that is concerned for your well-being has called to have you checked on. Being disabled is NOT an automatic intervention scenario. Be honest and speak with them, avoiding them raises further concerns.

NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2024
I’m not sure that I understand your question. Who is “They?” Can you explain your situation by giving us more information please?


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