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LilyLavalle Asked June 5, 2024

I just found out mom’s beloved caregiver, who lived-in Monday-Friday, used mom’s credit card for fraudulent purchases a week before she died.

I trusted her implicitly. I put her name in the obituary. Mom treated her like family, even though she said she would never accept a caregiver in the home. I gave her furniture, dishes, clothes and more as we were cleaning out the house.


Very early on when we were paying cash, I accidentally gave her an envelope with a LOT of extra cash in it (I handed her the wrong envelope). She called ME to tell me before I even noticed it, and returned the money immediately.


Toward the end, when mom was getting argumentative and complaining, the aid asked for more cameras (which mom didn’t want) for the aid’s protection.


I even gave the aid the key to the controlled med box toward the end, because mom was in hospice for over 6 months and I was exhausted running over there managing the meds all the time. There was never a problem.


I told the credit card company I would never stop fighting the fraud case, because their initial “investigation” said that mom went to Nordstrom in person, used the card and signed the receipt a week before she died. Mom was bed bound the entire time, and I was deeply offended that they concluded this.


Now I’m literally sick to my stomach and feel like crying. Everything has been an uphill climb since mom died (hoarded house {clean hoarding}, brother moving in, timeshare battle), but this just breaks my heart.

MeDolly Jun 5, 2024
No reason to pursue mom is gone, don't pay the bill, let it go, seems the aide did more than anyone could expect of them dealing with a sick person everyday is not a healthy situation, caregivers get burned out.

This Stay At Home Care thing is soooo very stressful, me, I would never attempt it. I am the kind of person that doesn't think one has to sit in a front row seat to be a good caregiver.

I am sorry about all of this, you will get through it, focus on going forward, let go of the past, serves no purpose will just keep you stuck.

waytomisery Jun 5, 2024
Betrayal is a sickening feeling for sure . You are already raw , and this is just icing on the cake with all you have dealt with .

Not to minimize or condone what was done but…..

Lily, I think I would try to let some of this anger go for your own sanity and stress level . Mom was taken care of , Mom liked this carer .

Unfortunately , it is common for people ( especially those who don’t make a lot of money ) to be tempted to use another’s credit card. It’s so easy to do. This is exactly why residents in facilities should not have credit cards .

I worked in facilities and sometimes was shocked to learn that some of the best staff would steal . It happens in all jobs , not just caregiving .

People steal computers, phones , they steal cash. credit cards out of coworkers purses . My DH even had his lunch stolen at work once .

I do hope things get better for you .


waytomisery Jun 5, 2024
When my FIL was in AL , and my DH wouldn’t put his foot down with his Dad about taking his credit cards away ( that FIL never used anymore anyway ), I told DH I don’t want to hear boohoos about it if something happened .

It is difficult to do this especially at home if a person is still using their card , able to order things for themselves online etc.

But I think this thread is a cautionary tale . When someone at home gets this debilitated , or near death , I think the temptation to steal grows and it’s time to take the credit cards , important papers , jewelry etc away .

And the temptation applies to hired help as well as visitors and some family members .

sp196902 Jun 7, 2024
@Lily I think this theft is even more insidious because mom kept her purse in her bed at all times and the credit card information was stolen. That means someone had to take that purse off of moms person (when she was sleeping or what have you) and take out the number and copy the information. It wasn't just a credit card statement they looked at because when you place an order online you have to give the 3 digit code on the back of the card (or 4 digit on front for AMEX) and that is never listed on the credit card statement.

For @Burnt no I don't believe a caregivers family should be allowed over to a clients house, ever. I don't care if the person being cared for calls the caregiver family. To maintain professionalism only the person being paid should be the one allowed in the house.

Same with bringing a child with you to a clients home. It should never happen. Not to say it doesn't happen in an emergency situation, but really it just blurs lines and can create unintended issues down the road for the caregiver and the client.

I would think since you own a care giving company that this is stipulated to your employees about keeping those boundaries and not having family over, doing laundry at clients house, etc. Because it really is a slippery slope when you start doing that.
AlvaDeer Jun 7, 2024
Sadly I so agree, SP. You cannot muddy the situation by stepping away from professionalism, which is really sad in the case of caregiving.
Here was Lily trying to be kind to someone she really almost "loved" for her good care. She was trying to provide her family with laundry services free. And the result likely is this, with this family possibly parasites living off this caregiver. Ruining her reputation. And if Lily doesn't let the caregiver know what happened she cannot even protect her reputation in future from this occurring again.
LilyLavalle Jun 6, 2024
I agree with those who said that I should simply show the aid the evidence and let her figure our what happened. I don’t wish to go any further because she worked very hard, gave my mother excellent are, and my mother was often not easy to deal with.

To the person who implied that I changed my story. It was the credit card company who sent me a letter saying the physical card was used in a store, which was what made me upset enough to keep pursuing this. It was a week before mom died. She could barely get to the commode. I knew from the beginning it was an online purchase (Nordstrom direct). Mom never shopped there once in her life, and when i called them they confirmed this.

There's no way mom gave the aid permission to use the card. Mom was terrified of fraud and everything had to be paid by check (the least secure way of paying). Plus mom gave the aid a birthday card with $10 (I think) in it (I got her a nice gift on my own to make up for it). No way mom would suddenly gift her $500 when we were bleeding money paying her $2500/week.

Also, I don’t think there was anything special about the timing. It posted a week before she died, the day before she started the sudden nosedive leading to her death. It looks like at the time of actual purchase mom was still on her long plateau. I hope this clears things up.

I only posted because I was a gut punch when I got the info. Not to mention I was already incensed that the CC company sent a new card a pin number to her house a month after I hand delivered the certified death certificate, and didn't suspend the charges while under investigation, so “mom” was getting increasingly threatening letters about delinquency, collections, etc. It was maddening.

I have much bigger fish to fry, like the timeshare company, and getting my brother out of the house, fixing up the house and selling it.

Thank you, as always, for all your kind words and support.
AlvaDeer Jun 6, 2024
Thanks, Lily for your update to us. So much easier to understand this. I am suspecting her family, myself. The fact that your mother was not yet in her "last days" and clearly dying makes me think, with her salary, she would NEVER RISK any funny activity. I just don't see it given all the glowing reports you gave us on her. But I sure could be wrong.

I am so sorry in all of the grief and the fast and furious of everything after a death, that this shock came for you, and it IS A SHOCK.

I hope you will update us after you let her know. I would be interested in her reaction.
I think I would tell her, gently and lovingly:
"____(name), I am so sorry but I have to inform you of something. Mom's card number was used to purchase something from Nordstrom's. The purchase was sent to your SIL's house. We have reported the fraud, and if we find other problems we will have to make a police report reporting. I am worried, if family accompanied you to Mom, that someone may have taken her credit information. We have shut down everything and put fraud alerts through experian, transunion and equifax. But I need you to know this because you will be working for others and I am worried for your safety."

Let us know any reaction you see. Best to you, Lily. Take it a day at a time. Things will get done.
sp196902 Jun 5, 2024
How much is the bill? Under $500 I would let it go. It doesnt sound like the aide did this based on what you describe. Ask for list of what was purchased.

Remember brother had access to the house too. Maybe he bought something for exgirlfriend to try and win her back.

Or maybe mom said she could use the card. Mom was always calling the shots with the aides.
LilyLavalle Jun 5, 2024
No, I was finally able to get the evidence over the phone and the merchandise was delivered to the address the aid used to live at, and the phone # was the aid’s SIL. The CC company now says they are going to write it off as fraud. But not until I fought it -I had gotten a letter saying they were making a claim on the estate.
97yroldmom Jun 6, 2024
I think your Caregiver is guilty by association. She needs to know she can’t trust her husband or SIL. She probably already knew that, just perhaps not to this extent. They may think it was a “victimless” crime. Which, of course, is not true.

I’m sorry your trust was damaged. It is hard not to take that personally. She was trusted with someone you love and that really hurts. Plus it makes us not trust our own judgment when something like this happens and that’s a larger crime.

Wishing you brighter days ahead.

JoAnn29 Jun 6, 2024
I assume you shut the card down. If only $500, I too may let it go since the the card company is not going after Mom's estate. But, it does seem weird that this aide never did something like this before. I may, make her aware that a charge was made to Moms acct and merchandise shipped to her address using the SILs ph#. That TG the CC company wrote it off as a fraud. That you could pursue it with the police but you won't because she was good with Mom and did her job well. You are just disappointed and in good conscience cannot give her a reference. Or wait till she asks for a reference.

BurntCaregiver Jun 6, 2024
Did the aide actually confess to you that she went to Nordstrom's and made purchases?

I just got my mothly statement from my credit card company last week. Turns out someone hacks my personal Visa account that I have a numerical pass code on and was able to make purchases. I never let anyone use it and there are no authorized users on any of my credit cards.

Yet someone was able to use it.

I this aide has been honest and provided good service to your mother for years, don't be so quick to accuse her of running the card up.

I haven't seen a credit card where a person had to sign a receipt in years. They're all chip readers these days. If I were you, I'd tell Nordstrom that you need to see a copy of the signed receipt with your mother's name on it for the purchases. Also, you want a print-out of what the purchases were.

If everything went down as the credit card company is saying it did, they will provide you with these records. My bet is they don't have them. Someone got ahold of your mother's credit card number and ran up a bill. It was probably done online. Nordstrom is trying to get you to pay for their faulty security.

Don't pay these people. The charges aren't your mother's.
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 6, 2024
Good point, Burnt.

True, everything is done by chip these days.

The only time I sign for a purchase is when the store has outdated equipment and they still require a signature. It’s an electronic signature though and no one can read those.

There have been incidents reported on our local news shows. It seems that gas station employees and restaurant workers have stolen credit card numbers to order items online.

Yeah, crooks will always find a way to retrieve credit card information.
lealonnie1 Jun 7, 2024
Nobody should pretend it never happens that an in home caregiver is found to steal from a client! Even a well paid caregiver who's treated with happens. It's not unheard of! My uncle was robbed blind by his caregiver who called family members to help her load up a truck with all the valuables in his home while he lied on the bathroom floor after falling!

Should my uncle have locked all his valuables up in a cage inside his home and placed the key in a safety deposit box at the bank??? Then some would be whining about A Lack Of Trust For The Caregiver and the unfairness of such a thing.

Bad things DO happen when hiring in home help, as it has in this case. While the caregiver herself was not guilty, her SIL was. The OP was not far off the mark in the end.

Lily, I'm glad moms caregiver was not to blame here and your trust in her was not compromised. I'm sorry, however, she did not realize her SIL was a thief and allowed her to do laundry at mom's home. None of this is your "fault" in any way, shape or form.
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 7, 2024
Yep! My friend’s godmother was ripped off by her caregiver who did an excellent job of caregiving, while stealing everything that she owned!

You better believe it happens!

I had a high risk pregnancy and had to have help, because the doctor put me on complete bedrest.

I hired a woman who came highly recommended. I caught her stealing. I immediately told her to leave my home.
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