
My aunt will try to just pull 1 wipe from the flat kind of package but ends up with many more. She then tries to return them to package. This is ruining the whole thing as far as sterile and wet purposes go. Are there any other types that are easier? Or standing containers rather then flap close baby wipe style that anyone knows of? I have read so much advice on things I would never have known or thought to try, so thought I'd ask you all for help. Thanks!

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It is possible that your aunt is at the point where she needs more direct supervision in the bathroom. You can do this by still maintaining her dignity as I am sure you want to. (I kinda got that feeling from the info in your profile) You can start by just saying "let me hand you some wipes, if you need more I can get them".
This way if she actually needs more help than she is letting on you will know.
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Search Amazon “one wipe at a time dispenser.” There are lots of choices with good reviews.
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Do not flush wipes . They will clog the toilet and shower. We had bubbling toilet and backing up shower with black water.,,We called the plumber 3 times. Just use toilet paper. When possible. Wipes go in trash can next to toilet. I have a sign on poster board in the bathroom. It still needs caregivers who understand and are committed.
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I use Huggies. They are thicker and bigger than those women's wipes. You can get them in a pop up dispenser. There are refill packs you can get. Yes, do not flush them. I use toilet paper first and the wipes to finish off. I fold them up and put in a trash can with a lid with a liner.
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At this point your Aunt needs supervision. Not just with toileting but with showering, brushing teeth and other aspects of Activities of Daily Living.
You can stand and hand her the wipes that she needs.
Is she using a Commode or is she using the toilet?
If she is using the toilet then toilet paper might be a better option for her then use a wipe if needed last.
If possible a Bidet Seat might be something to try. That might eliminate the need for wipes. You would have to stay with her and you would be the one to have to use the control to spray. And it might be something that she might have a difficult time getting used to. It would depend on what her "learning curve" might still be.
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I don’t think it matters what kind you buy. They are all going to be complicated for her to use.

She needs assistance in the bathroom. Don’t flush them down the toilet even if they say flushable.

Best wishes to you.
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HSFaith Mar 2024
I am very vigilant that they go in trash can. But she also uses commode so flushing is not a concern. Easy pull is my main question for product
Forget the learing curve here. She now needs full supervision with bathroom breaks. She needs memory care or someone with her all of the time.
Next will come trying to flush those wipes
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