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Dear trapwhisk,

My deepest sympathies and condolences. I am very sorry for your loss. I know the pain and sorrow you feel is deep. I know you loved your mom and wanted to keep her here on earth for as long as possible. It is so hard. This is an extremely painful time and it is only natural to wonder and go back on every detail and think if only.

I did this too. I hated the doctors. I hated the hospital. Why couldn't they save my dad? Why couldn't I save my dad?

Your grief is deep. I am so sorry you felt that the DNR was not explained properly. I can see how this hurts your deeply.

If you want to consult an attorney and purse a lawsuit, it is purely your choice. Do what you need to. Talk to more than one attorney if necessary and I hope you can make a decision from there.

Thinking of you. Sending all my thoughts and prayers.
Helpful Answer (9)

Trap, I mistaken" liked " your post to Vegaslady. You are wrong.

You got your mom's permission to discontinue care. You did what you were charged to do as her MPOA. You could not cheat death. None of us can
Helpful Answer (14)

Amen to what JeanneGibbs said--please try to move on with your mourning. The NH did NOT kill your mother, She was actively dying. All feeding her with a tube would have done would be to prolong her suffering. And it sounds like you may be feeling a tad guilty for not educating yourself as to what all the procedures meant. NPO--nothing by mouth. Your mom chose that.
Are you just really upset because she passed before you were ready? That is a common feeling. Death is individual and private. I'm sorry for your pain.
Helpful Answer (14)

And telling them heck no would have brought suffering to your mother. And now you would be blaming them for not describing in detail what would happen when they followed your "heck no" decision.

Since you were named as full medical power of attorney, do you think that perhaps you had some responsibility for finding out about end-of-life options, long before this came up?

And BTW full medical power of attorney ONLY applies if the principal cannot speak for herself. If the medical staff asked her the questions you asked her and she gave them the same answers that she gave you, those are the decisions they had to follow. Even with medical POA, you could not override your mother's decisions unless she was clearly incompetent (delirious, for example.)

Your mom died from a hideous disease. No medical intervention could have prevented that. You feel hideous about this. You feel that there should have been a way to intervene. There wasn't. I think you might find more comfort in seeing a therapist than in seeing a lawyer.
Helpful Answer (23)

To vegaslady. I beg your pardon! I did understand what I was doing, but the facility failed to let us know what a DNR really meant. They were negligent in not following the power of attorney. 1. They did not tell me that they where going to do an NPO, and they did not tell me what that meant. And they failed to call us when my mother had this seizure. So when you have a power of attorney ( Full Medical Power of Attorney) they are suppose to consult you on everything. I know that she had a terminal illness, but they broke the law when they did not consult with me on the NPO, that way I could have told them heck no.
Helpful Answer (1)

I'm very sorry for your loss. It is still too fresh in your mind and heart right now.

Your mother had a terrible form of cancer. She was not going to live much longer, no matter what they did, treatment wise. SHE made the changes to her DNR, and you have nothing to be sorry for.

Trying to sue an NH for doing exactly what they told you they would do (and a sad lesson learned for you that DNR's can look scary to the uninitiated) your mom CHOSE this.

A dying person who isn't eating or drinking? That is part of the body shutting down, and it's PAINFUL to eat or drink.

Was your mother receiving pain meds? If so, she was not in pain.

I'm very sorry for your loss--but ask yourself..WHY would you have changed her DNR back to full code and feeding tube? To prolong an already terminal life? THAT is cruel.

Right now you are in full grief mode. Please don't focus so much on getting is very unlikely that you have a lawsuit on your hands, and really, do you want to go down that path? It's horrible. It won't bring your mother back and it will rob you of any peace.
Helpful Answer (17)

You didn't understand what you were doing and are now blaming others. She had a terminal illness and died. Give up the crusade and let it go.
Helpful Answer (13)

"The tumor had come back, and it was larger than it was before, so they were going to recommend hospice. Now here is where it gets tricky. My mom's advanced directive was a full code, that means to Resuscitate her and do CPR if necessary, and to put in a feeding tube in her. Well, when my mom was awake I had talked to her and I told her that she had a full code on her, she asked me what that was and I told her. I then asked her if she wanted a feeding tube if she could not eat, she thought about it and said no, then I asked her that if her heart stopped if she wanted them to do CPR she then again thought about it and said no, then I asked her if she wanted me to change her advanced directive to a do not Resuscitate, she told me yes, and said no more pain. "

They were going to recommend Hospice. Tumor came back, larger than before. Mom said " no" to further interventions. You asked if she wanted a Do Not Resussitate order and she said " yes".

It seems to me that what happened is that your mother was allowed to die on her own terms. She made a choice not to pursue heroic measures which were only going to prolong the pain. Hospice was recommended because the cancer she had was incurable.

Please read the Gawande book, recommended by Surprise. And be comforted by your good memories of your mom.
Helpful Answer (18)

Atul Gwande's book, Being Mortal, goes into all the end of life issues, including the brutality of a total code on a dying cancer patient. Since the author is an accomplished MD, you might want to read the book before approaching an attorney. Any judge looking at your case will have this information. A bad malpractice attorney will ignore the book's info and try to get you to pay him out of pocket, knowing you don't have a strong case.

The book is important for all of us to read as we confront death and prepare our own advanced directives.
Helpful Answer (18)

I worked in a hospital as a ward secretary and one late night I witnessed a full code response on an elderly woman. I vowed that night to never have that done to anyone I love. There were so many people in the room, which was blazing with light. Pounding on the poor woman's chest. It was horrible. That was over 20 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday.

I agree with the others who say a very aggressive form of cancer killed your beloved mom. She was ready to go when she said no feeding tube, no resuscitation, no more pain. I had my mom on hospice for a week and near the end, she didn't want any food or liquid. Her body was shutting down and didn't need it or want it. It's hard to accept, but it's a part of the circle of life. We'll all be there someday.

I personally think you should concentrate on grieving and let your mom rest in peace without pursuing a malpractice lawsuit.
Helpful Answer (21)

180 days to contact an attorney? This source says 2 years to file a med malpractice lawsuit:

I echo the recommendations of others to contact a med malpractice attorney.

We went through a med malpractice/wrongful death lawsuit. There are many preparatory steps before the actual filing of the lawsuit. In our case, the firm's medical consultant (may have been a nurse?) read through the information, and then an MD was also consulted. All medical records were gotten.

Once it was determined that we had a viable case, we signed a contract.
Helpful Answer (3)

In 20 years of working in healthcare I have seen elderly patients who are full code and I have seen them go into cardiac arrest. It is the most barbaric and gruesome thing I have ever seen. Taking paddles to their bony chests with their thin skin, getting burned by the paddles because their skin is so thin. And if CPR is done ribs will break and puncture a lung as a result. The person is much worse off after being coded than prior to the code. In healthcare we call it "flogging". It's a spectacle and I can't imagine any elderly person who would want that done to their body. It's violent and shocking.

However, people have the right to choose this if they're competent enough to do so. These procedures should be explained and explained and explained until everyone understands 100% what it entails. And by the same token, a DNR should be explained and explained and explained until all involved understand what DNR means.

I'm very sorry about the loss of your mom. If you wish to pursue litigation you'll need a malpractice attorney. The attorney will be able to tell you if you have a case or not.
Helpful Answer (22)

Trap, Im so terribly sorry for your loss.

A very aggressive cancer killed your mom. Your mom wisely told you " No feeding tube, no code, no more pain".

Feeding a dying patient causes more, not less pain. You did the right things; you did as your mom asked.

I hope you can find peace.
Helpful Answer (22)

Trap, I'm sorry for your loss. For what it's worth, my brother died at 43 from glioblastoma. He had chemo and radiation but was not a candidate for surgery, and he lived approximately one year after his diagnosis. He spent his final weeks in a very nice hospice facility - his choice because he had small children at home and didn't want to burden his wife. I never saw him awake at all during his final weeks, he wasn't eating or drinking but I'm certain he wasn't craving food or drink. Heroic measures like IV's, feeding tubes and CPR/defibrillators would not have prolonged his life, at least not by more than days. I have researched this extensively and I can assure you that these measures CAUSE pain and suffering, they do not alleviate it. God - or nature - is merciful in that way, the dying are focused elsewhere and the body no longer wants what it has no use for.
Helpful Answer (24)

My thoughts and prayers for you and your family with the loss of your mother. It is difficult and heart wrenching for both the family and the person with all that cancer does to one's body. It makes it more difficult when the facility that should give care to patient AND family does not do the best of jobs whether it is communication or actual care. Please consult a lawyer in your area that has experience with malpractice they can give you best information for your state and realistic outcomes. I would caution that often it is difficult to prove and court cases can be expensive and grueling. You have just experienced a horrific loss and what you feel is real. You will have bad days and some not so bad but you need to find a good reputable lawyer that can look at facts without the emotion you always will have when it comes to loved ones.
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