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She needs to also understand that Mom probably has a hard time processing what she says so misses most of the conversation. Maybe the aide feels talking is helping to keep Mom engaged. I had two student nurses going thru a long thing about Moms care. I could tell they lost Mom on the first word and told them.

With Dementia patients, the less said the better. Short and sweet. Make sure you tell her what a great job she is doing. When u mention her talking, be nice. She could have ADD, ADHD, and this is a symptom of it. I am a talker. I realize this and try to stem it. I am able to read between the lines when people hint to me I am talking too much. I have had a couple be nasty, which they really didn't have to do.
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I would be honest with her and tell her you think your mother is getting too anxious with all the chatter and she needs to stop. Tell her you are pleased with the care and cleaning and do not mean to offend, but she has to be quiet. I could not tolerate a chatterbox.
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Ugh. Some people are totally clueless about the impact their behavior is having on others. She might not catch on to subtle hints about her talking too much, I'm afraid. I have a step daughter who could literally chew the ear off a goat, I know what it feels like and it's AWFUL! I think you need to talk to this caregiver and explain to her that your mother has early dementia, and all the non-stop talking is creating ANXIETY for her, and so, for THAT reason, can she please keep the conversation to a minimum? You may have to have this conversation more than once..........and then issue an ultimatum if it becomes too burdensome: she either cuts down on the chatterbox issue or she finds another job.

Best of luck.
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