
In shreveport la.

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We are nj not an employment agency. Call your office of aging to see if they know of anyone. Redcross.
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You are on an international forum of caregivers to loved ones who come here to ask questions and give advice. You need to call an agency in your city to find what you're looking for. Good luck with your eye surgery.
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Are you active in your Church or other House of Worship? If so you can ask if there is someone that could spend a day or 2 with you.
If you are talking about Cataract surgery you will not need anyone for very long.
If it is other eye surgery ask the doctor how long will you need help.
I had an Eye surgery and I had someone with me for a week. I had to remain face down for that time so I was pretty limited as to what I could do. The cataract surgery was a piece of cake compared to that.
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lkdrymom Feb 2024
My coworker had that surgery. It was awful.
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