My mother has dementia, which I am sorry but at times I think she is faking cause can anybody be so out there!?! She has now started a new thing which is gross but I have a strong stomach but times its not possible not to vomit. Mom is now pooping and peeing EVERYWHERE like an untrained puppy. She wears depends but she will pull them down anywhere and go. Example such as in bed poop under her pillow, sits on edge of tub and does #1 and 2, in garbage cans, in the middle of floors, under coach coushins, she has even tried to do in the middle of Wal-Mart!! She of course uses her hand to wipe down there so now there is poo everywhere in her hair, mouth, face,walls, clothes, between her toes and under her finger nails. She is sly she will wait till I leave room to do it!! So she knows what she is doing! She likes to hide her poo I have caught her carry her poo to hide somewhere! She thinks it's funny!!!!! boy does that make me mad! Especially when I step in it!!! I try to hide most of this from the hubby and kids so they won't be grossed. WHAT DO I DO!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!
If my grandma goes to poop, I wipe her or she will literally put her fingers inside of herself and either try to pull out the poop and get herself covered or will try to wipe using her clothing or will clean her dirty hands on her clothing. When being spoken to she used to insist it was the way things were done. So while it may seem she's doing things on purpose, she really might not be.
I take my grandma to the bathroom every hour to prevent accidents. I walk with her to the bathroom to ensure she makes it to the toilet each time. I use puppy pads in front of the toilet especially when she has a UTI so when she pees while standing it lands on the puppy pad and makes for an easy clean up instead of my tiles making me bleach them. I wipe her after her pooping bathroom uses to ensure it doesn't get spread anywhere it shouldn't. Those are just some of the things I do to avoid bathroom messes but she wasn't doing everything your mother is doing.
So if your dearest relative is showing incontinence involving number 2, please do take him or her to a doctor in order to get a thorough medical check of the mechanics down below. What is needed is muscle tone, and if your d.r. is not doing any exercise at all, even walking 20 minutes a day, the muscles of the butt may have slackened to such a level where they don't hold anything back. An anal prolapse is then possible, and is highly uncomfortable and painful when it happens.
But before that happens, what your d.r. may be doing may not be purely mischievous evil to get you riled, it may be a constant effort, particularly for women, to rid themselves of the pressure inside.
No sane person would do this deliberately, or do this without thorough handwashing afterwards. If there is no physical problem, then your d.r. does have some form of dementia, and either hourly diaper changes or residential care with attendant nurses are the only solutions.
Doctors advise not to try to care for at home any person who is spreading faecal matter about the house because of the health hazard to the other people in the home. It's not only the smell but also bacteria and toxins that cause the risk, and while they are drying out, they can get into your lungs over a long period of exposure. Care homes for the elderly have piles and piles of sanitary padding and purpose-built hazardous waste disposal facilities, also bactericides etc.
My fullest sympathies go out to you.
What I would be doing is looking into this person's family tree and seeing if they may have a bloodline extending as far as a Third World country where this kind of thing is common. This is what they do in those areas and it may be very possible this is probably just now coming out as an embedded behavior, something someone else in the family did when they lived in an area where this was common.
Best of luck and I hope it never gets that bad for me.
Sorry for all of you dealing with this, but, it is what it is. Your loved one is now incontinent, it may start out as occasional, but that is only short lived & a term, per a physician, that shouldn't even be used. They may get 1 & 2 in the toilet sometimes, other times everywhere & anywhere. There are too many steps for your loved to remember if nature calls these days, so, clothes may come off or not. A window sill, shower stall, or chair may look like a toilet. They may not even be sure what #2 is anymore, so, they may touch it, then want it off, so, on it will go to another place.
Whatever your preferred term, ALZ, dementia or memory impaired this is the real cause. Trying to reason or threaten with repercussions will not work. Depending on your loved one's cognitive your words may make things worse. You may cause shame, sadness or agitation & behavior concerns. This isn't a cookie cutter disease, so, who knows your outcome, but it is a battle you won't win.
The Depends is a must & make them become the "new underwear." Get the "jockeys" out of the house & no turning back.
Your choice on a long term solution is a personal one. It's either you're it, hope for instincts to kick in; you hire 24/7 help for your dad, experienced & knowledgeable; or you look for a facility. This is a tough part of caregiving & will get worse as the disease progresses. Many caregivers make a choice at this time because caregiving can & may become a full time job. It is physically & mentally draining.
All of us have to remember, thru the trials & tribulations, to not forget dignity & respect. Empathy & compassion is a must as well. If you love & care you find yourself becoming a voice for your loved one, it just happens. Stay strong & focused, trust your gut on decision making.
Well 2 hours later she got up from the couch and had leaked through her 'Depends' and had wet jeans with urine running down her leg. Of course she insisted SHE didn't do it - she is the Queen of Denial! Then she got nasty to me again. I'm not sure which I would rather have, a mother who laughs and thinks it's funny, or a mother who makes nasty and rude comments to me. Both are very frustrating and I can only hope that there really is such a thing as 'Karma' that will reward all of those who deal with the pain and frustration of being a caretaker.