
Hello, I've been working on getting my mom qualified for Medicaid in-home care services in Florida. We're at the stage where she's off the wait list. The Area Agency on Aging sent me a packet with the ACCESS application. She is over the asset limit but the Agency told me to talk to a lawyer about setting up a trust, I believe it's called a Medicaid QIT Trust. They gave me the legal aid hotline number. I called but they have their own asset limit to provide advice and don't do the actual work. I'm hoping that some people here have been through this in Florida and might be able to provide any suggestions or recommendations? Completing the application will be hard as I live in another state and I don't think my parents can do it themselves. I only have 3 weeks since the packet didn't arrive until after the date on the letter but am hoping they'll give me an extension if we need it. Has anyone set up the trust without a lawyer? Cost is an issue but if anyone can recommend a lawyer that would be appreciated too. Thanks.

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In my experience in MN, Medicaid doesn't grant extensions so do everything you can to get them the info in the timeframe they told you. They need to receive it by that date, not be postmarked by that date. Also consider creating a portal account so that you (or the lawyer) can upload the scan of the documents. Be aware that Medicaid offices can request more or different or clarified "proofs" even after you submit the app the first time, and that also will have a submission deadline.

Yes, you need an attorney or estate planner to help you create the trust. You don't reveal what state your parents are in, and Medicaid rules can be state-specific.
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Sorry you need a lawyer for a Trust. The cost comes out your parents money.
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Here is the website of one lawyer that does this sort of work:,%242%2C199.00%20per%20month%20in%20FL).
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musiclover2807 Feb 2024
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