I guess I'll go first with this one.
The thing that stands out the most for me about MIL with alzheimers.......
Everything is ALL ABOUT HER. I could cut my arm off and be bleeding on the floor right beside her and she would worry about who was going to bring her a cookie.
I am treated as" a nothing" in her world.
Then I feel guilty for thinking she's an old battleaxe.
Well that's my confession.
How about yours?
Today it’s , she doesn’t have her ducks in a row , and the pond is drying up .
There is a book I love titled Death, Duck & The Tulip. A children's book with beautiful whimsical illustrations.
Duck has a little wide eyed look of surprise on one page that I thought of with your comment about.
That is a very bad situation in which your husband is putting his mom ahead of you and your marriage. His emotional enmeshment with his mom is keeping him from setting limits and making you the bad person. He needs therapy and ya'll need therapy, but if he is not willing to go, please take care of yourself and go to therapy. He has a script in his head, put there by his mom. When she triggers the script, he unthinkingly follows it.
I don't know how many times that I have read stories like yours here were either the son or the daughter is emotionally enmeshed with mom which causes havoc on both the marriage and the caregiving situation.
What your husband is putting you through is emotional abuse. He's not being faithful to you and in this case the other woman is his mom.
Due to various motivations like a divorce or a bad marriage, a mom will make either a son or a daughter into an emotional partner.
In one subculture of society this is crudely called being a "son-husband." Some therapists and writers prefer using the word enmeshment while others use stronger language, emotional or covert incest.
There is a wonderful book for wives in your situation. When He's Married to Mom: How to Help Mother-Enmeshed Men Open Their Hearts to True Love and Commitment. A book that may help you understand him better and how he got there is Silently Seduced: When Parents Make Their Children Partners.
In some marriages, this enmeshment is just below the surface until the caregiving of a parent arises. In other marriages, this is present from the start and fuels constant battles. Being under the surface or above the surface, it hinders the intimacy of the couple. I think this is beneath many others reasons for which couples get divorced. I hope that I'm wrong, but in my 67 years of living, I've seen it way too often.
Please get therapy, take care of yourself, set some boundaries with real consequences and I wish you the best. This is not in any way easy to do, but it must be done, not to change him which may or may not happen, but to protect yourself and communicate to him that you will be treated with respect.
My mil lives with us and is causing so much stress on my marriage that sometimes I just want out.
She expects things from her son and I that we are not capable of due to our own health.
A couple of weeks ago she was hospitalized for 2 days due to anemia. It was wonderful!
She has nurses and PT coming in a few times a week.
She knows that my marriage is on shakey ground yet says "how will I ever get well when there is so much turmoil." I responded by asking her how I and her son were to ever get well, if she doesn't stop and consider the health of her caregivers.
Her son won't set limits so I am stuck with being the bad guy.
This is what happened to my grandmother (96). She was receiving care in her home and in between visits she climbed out of her chair, got stuck and passed. Likely from exertion or from suffocation. This happened within a 30-40 minute window in between aid care visits. Why is this my fault? Well you see I usually check in on her. However that morning I wanted a break and went to get my nails done. I forgot my phone with video monitoring and told myself not to worry, that I didn't need to be “on” that everyone was safe. How wrong I was. Only 15 minutes away and I could have helped.
Caregiving is like being a captain of a ship, you are trying to help someone get to the other side in the life boat with dignity and respect. I pray I honored her, I sure did try my best.
It was her time. There is nothing more that can be said. Do not beat yourself up about it. She lived a good long life.
Put her in memory care then. You and your wife don't have to hand over your lives to babysit your MIL and neither of you should have guilt about it.
Dad gets breakfast on your terms when you can do it . Set a schedule that works for you and Dad has to follow . Caregiving is on the caregivers terms not the other way around , especially since you are trying to work. Ridiculous for you to go through hoops so he can watch a golf game. He could have eaten and watched the game at the same time so you didn’t have to get up early .
Getting up X 100 times a day during your time to work is over the top . I read your profile. Your Dad needs SNF if he is still bedbound . Get out from under this . He expects too much of you . You said on your profile you need help but don’t know what with.
Call the local County Area of Aging . They will send someone out to help you with placement of Dad in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) . If he has no money Medicaid will pay . Tell them you can’t take care of him anymore. It’s too much for one person.
Mostly i hate watching Mom slip away every day and be replaced by someone i dont know.
those places???
Thank you
to just change my attitude and “find the humor”
in it. Not that I don’t laugh about it sometimes, but it’s not the cure all some
people seem
to think it is.
You are giving up your life.
Mom was easy to care for, she had dementia but only made it a few months, and while they were hard, I appreciated them and I think she appreciated me.
My father was a completely different experience. He had 4 major trauma's: blindness, losing mom, losing driving and losing his hobby of caring for a ranch. He was stubborn, angry, resentful and most of all refused every bit of help I offered him. The 2 happiest times were when he went away for 6 weeks to a VA program (he loved it, then afterword, told me how much it sucked) and when I got him on Zoloft (he was happy, really happy, so, of course he stopped after 30 days).
If I could go back in time I would set up a Conservatorship, sold the ranch, and disappeared. This would have broken him further but maybe then I wouldn't have been broken too? Did I mention that I had a job that was terrible and that he'd curl up in a ball of worry over his mail every time I talked about a new job? And that the only joy he'd find would be riding a trike while blind?
I don't remember much, if any, happiness in caregiving for him. I was alone and it was way too much to carry.
My mom has demensia and 4th stage lung cancer. I have lived with her for over 10 years. It's getting harder as she moans all day/night, won't eat or take her meds but when older brother gets here she's absolutely fine and only 1 extra strength tylenol all day instead of liquid morphine?!!! So? Why is that?
Everyone says she's playing me. I'm exausted. My voice sounds angry, irritated, frustrated and then he tells me off. I just spent 3 weeks full time with her while he vacationed in Florida. It was hell. He comes back and voila she's fine. Thank you listening to me rant. I love my mom with all my heart but I have no life. I do have 2 grandchildren and a new bf. I'm trying so hard. It's always about her...always has been. We used to be friends and now it's like I'm just the one who gets to clean up after everyone like usual while brother dearest gets to see the smiles. Jealous? Maybe but I don't like that emotion and never have been but what does anyone think? Am I a terrible daughter?
Take a vacation! Let older brother deal with it all for a week or two....
Caregiving is the worst job I have ever had, I dont want it and I hate that there are no days off.....
I NEED time alone to revive, and it is sorely lacking in my life with husbands ALZ.
You & Sis paddling Mother's canoe down the river with an oar each. Hard work but moving forward.
When the time comes that one of you needs a rest (or stop completely) you may end up paddling in a circle..
Sometimes you gotta tie the canoe to the riverbank before your shoulders wear out & you all capsize.
You’ve written a beautiful and heartfelt post, and G-D will most certainly forgive you for having periodic human frustrations at the very difficult situation. I truly admire your positive outlook. I wish I could absorb some of that and apply it to how I feel. Maybe someday I’ll look back and see something positive about what I’ve been doing for my aunt for all these years. From what I can tell, she’s never noticed.
Hugs to you, JB
I'm sorry if you have felt that way
I like to simply reply "Yes". Accompanied with a fake smile 😁
Some elders use verbal sparring for entertainment, to relieve boredom. I once met an old lady like this.. a nurse asked if she needed help opening her banana. "It's not a banana" came the swift reply. Nurse says something like Oh my mistake. Do you need help opening that yellow piece of food?
Old lady says " It's a BANANA. Don't you KNOW what it is??"
If you drink, you deserve to have your kids abandon you when you're old and infirm. Those drinks are actively contributing to your future dementia.
If you don't save up AT LEAST $250,000 (that's in addition to your social security checks) for assisted living, then you'll get put in a Medicaid bed next to some other coughing patient for God knows how many years. Don't expect to move in with a relative. That's cruel.
I'm wasting my time typing this. The people who need to read this aren't reading this.