
I would welcome any feedback on the size of the device itself plus response of the monitoring company. My mother doesn't leave the house so I can go with a pretty basic unit but looking at Lively, Medical Guardian and Lifefone. Lively and Medical Guardian looks like the size of a beeper and I am concerned if it's too clunky she won't wear it.

I welcome any feedback on these or other systems.

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Never had a good experience with any of them.

Patient refuses/forgets to wear them.

They go through the washer/dryer with clothing.

They swing forward and hit the cross bars of a walker and set off the alarm.

The pt doesn't want to get them wet, so won't wear them in the shower.

It's still amazes me that mother had hers on the morning she died. She usually forgot to put it on.

My MIL has had and has thrown away between 4-6 fall alert pendants. She thinks they make her fall.

She now has a 'watch' device, but has to have the presence of mind to push the fall button, which she doesn't do.

It's hugely frustrating.
Helpful Answer (1)
LauraAT Dec 2023
Thank you for your advice and the info you provided. I appreciate it.
They don’t wear it. They forget to put it on etc.
Helpful Answer (1)

With dementia there is a good possibility that she will no t know what to do with the pendant.
It probably does not matter the size, she will most likely take it off.
If mom is living alone and has been diagnosed with dementia she should not be living alone.
It might be better to install cameras in the house so that you can monitor what is going on.
Again if she is living alone there is always the risk that she will decide to leave the house at any time and wander off.
Helpful Answer (1)
LauraAT Dec 2023
Thank you, Grandma 1954. We are looking at cameras as well.
Please keep in mind that with dementia/memory impairment she may not remember why she has it on in the first place and may remove it and not put it back on (or throw it away). Working on this with my 104-yr old Aunt who likes to take it off her neck and put it in her walker...she says when she bends over to wash her face it dangles in the way. Just have tempered expectations.
Helpful Answer (2)
LauraAT Dec 2023
This forum is helping temper my expectations for sure! Thank you for the input.
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