
Hi. I'm a 44 year old female who had to stop working to take care of my mom. She has been told that she doesn’t qualify for home care, we just need some help in finding any resources. We have appealed so many times and keep getting the same answer that they are denying her for her income. Her medical issues they approve, she got COVID and has had problems since. If anyone can guide me to any type of resources that can help.

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You should not stop working to care for Mom. You probably qualify for SS at 67, 100%. SS only goes back 35yrs for earnings so that would be age 32. If you don't work 10 yrs of that 35, ur SS is only based on 25yrs of earnings.

Medicaid is income based. Have u called office of Aging? Medicare has an "intermidiate" benefit that maybe you could use for Mom.
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I found when I got a bad case of Covid for 5 weeks and didnt eat and was cold in July - I saw a acupuncturist and after a couple treatments I was fine . you could rent Out a room In exchange for Help ( errands , laundry , Grocery shopping ) Elder services has the same program . Meals on Wheels for Food. Has People who need work , Next Door also Has People That have Nursing skills . Someone On here has mentioned Visiting Angels . Her Doctor can write a script for a VNA Nurse to come In or a Physical therapist . Have Him or Her get you a therapist or social worker to help you . Find a respected elder attorney That someone can recommend ( Note these lawyers can run $5000 )
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73 is pretty young to need full-time tending from your adult children.

What kind of help does your mother specifically need?

Is it Medicaid that she has been turned down for or Home Health Care?

Is she needing to spend down assets to qualify, or is her income too high?
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Isthisrealyreal Jan 2024
Barb, my grandmother was 72 when she had the strokes that changed her from an active, functional adult to full blown dementia needing 24/7 care in 3 days. So, yes, not old but, ill. Maybe that is the case here, just very ill.
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