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*First...If it is a SAFETY issue then that needs to be corrected immediately.
*If you show up and he is sitting in wet clothing ..that needs to be corrected.
*If you show up and ask where he is and no one knows and you find him wandering in the courtyard...that is a problem

The example you give with your dad's meal. What I would ask is this. Even though dad orders another meal could you bring him the meal that is being served to everyone, or at least a few items like some fruit or one of the sides. This way dad can eat while others are being served and then the meal that he wants even if it comes a bit later he will not be so hungry. This is sort of like what I did when the kids were little and we went to a restaurant. I would ask the server to bring some crackers to sort of tide the kids over until the meal came.
It is very possible that if they bring him the regular meal he may actually eat it and not "need" the one he ordered.
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My stepparents did nothing but complain about the food, the staff got tired of listening to them and it got worse as the staff would no longer listen to their rants.

My stepmother is now in MC (stepfather died), she doesn't even know what she is eating all the complaining has ended.

He always wants special service/attention? These places are institutions serving the masses not designed to serve each person's special order for food, can you imagine if all patients wanted to order special meals? No one would get fed.

Perhaps you father needs to be told the facts, he won't die if he eats what is prepared for him, it is not a restaurant. Most menus include salads and more than one choice of food, why don't you go over the menu with him?
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jimlindac Oct 2023
If he is in memory care and has dementia/Alzheimer's he most likely cannot rationalize the intricacies of his appetite/tastes. It is a medical fact that their brain is dying and tastes for food become very different. What ends up happening in facilities is they stop eating and no one notices and then they dehydrate, kidneys start deteriorating and they die. The only advocates someone with dementia have is their loved ones. They require grace and patience. Thank you
This is about he “won’t eat anything he doesn’t like”. There are some things that some people find nauseating, but other than that I remember my mother’s line “you eat what you’ve been given or you go without”. Perhaps he needs a ‘come to Jesus’ talk about where he is and why. It isn’t an a la carte restaurant.

He could well be annoying the staff, just as he could be an annoying demanding parent in home care.
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anonymous1732518 Sep 2023
Maybe, doesn't excuse his not getting food with everyone else.
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The part about losing his wheelchair keeps falling off, I've tried to edit three times but it's not sticking...
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MargaretMcKen Sep 2023
Your profile says that he is a ‘classic narcissist’. He may be willing to starve himself to death rather than compromise on getting his way?
Thanks, againx100, you are right about the bulk cooking challenges. My feeling is that they should know by now that he's not likely to eat their stuff about half the time ... unfortunately he's just getting super thin and weak, partly from age and illness but also from their food. He has a healthy appetite but won't eat anything he doesn't like.

(I added a bit on about a lost wheelchair, which dropped off my first edit )
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MargaretMcKen Sep 2023
Your profile says that he is a ‘classic narcissist’. He may be willing to starve himself to death rather than compromise on getting his way?
While this is annoying, I'm not that surprised that they had trouble getting something not on the menu to him in a timely fashion. They are cooking in bulk for many people and this is maybe more difficult. Yes to understaffed and/or overworked, etc. Maybe dad can try harder to eat what they serve there? I know the food probably sucks but he'll probably end up with ongoing issues with special orders from time to time.
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