My mother is one of the most miserable humans on Earth, and has been for years. Whenever anyone has asked her "How are you doing?", for as far back in my memory as I can reach, I can never remember her saying "I'm fine". Now she's smoked herself to death. She has COPD, CHF, steroid-induced diabetes, a colostomy, osteoporosis, bone spurs in her neck, neuropathy in her limbs, brittle skin that tears at the drop of a hat...the list seems endless. She refuses to get out of bed to try to exercise to keep up any strength, and wants me to do more and more and more for her.
She's in the hospital right now because of a fall last week. She says her knees gave out.
I don't think it's so horrible that I just want this woman to finally have some peace, and yes, honestly, for the rest of us around her to have some as well. The discord and disharmony this narcissist spreads with her always ALWAYS negative attitude takes a toll. She will never change, and her health will only continue to go downhill.
I realize that I don't get to make the decision of when she goes, but I will admit that I do want her to. I think it's the only way she'll finally be "fine".
If not, how did that transition feel?
The issue is that my mother is still the same person, likely Borderline Personality Disorder or bipolar, and she is capable of being so incredibly hurtful to me at times. I never know when, exactly, that time will be, but when my mother or father is hurtful to me in the present, it does bring up the old wounds, too. Unfortunately. This is the issue. I cannot start from here and treat them as elders who are moody due to old age, because I've never known them to be different. I want all good things for my mother and my father. I can't do hands on caregiving, and that's due to my mother's inability to be self aware about how hurtful she has been, can be, still is to me... and same with my dad. There's nothing wrong with giving the amount of care that one can. To me, that's actually pretty noble. We do what we can, in spite of anything and everything. But I can't try to make the golden years rosy for my mother because "think of how loving she was to me"... because that's not who my mother was or is. She can cause chaos in my heart/head like no one else.
It's a primal pain you have to limit yourself from or you'll keep getting hurt, deeply hurt. People aren't perfect, so we all try the best we can, and we should never judge anyone else's decisions on what they can and can't take. Anyone who participates in this thread is trying very hard to "do right" by their aging parent. It's a different journey for everyone.
She learned this hateful way from my maternal grandmother, I have no doubt. I'm just sorry that both she and my aunt, her twin sister, couldn't fully break from the pattern of abuse they both endured, and were hurt by, so much in their own youth.
With parents like mine, who needs enemies? :-/ I don't feel sorry for myself but I'd be a complete fool to think they can truly change their ways at this point in their lives. I have to keep a healthy distance for my own sake because despite what their actions have said through the years, I DO matter. My life does matter. I'm entitled to relative peace and pursuit of my own happiness.
:) Not easy to say these things, to talk about the 'dirty details,' but unless you've had parents who do things like this to you, you can't understand what some others deal with, the very best that we can... ya know? Thing is - people think my mother is a relatively nice person, and she is. That's a part of her, too. But I experienced the horrific rage and physical abuse that she can dish out on me, her only daughter. I still struggle to find the boundaries with her, and figure out how to prevent her from being destructive to me in the present while I maintain some type of relationship with her. I don't if it's truly possible to do both -- have the boundaries and have a loving relationship.
If you judge me for needing boundaries with my mother, a safe distance from her or from my abusive father, I would ask that you live my life and see if you can be the angel/saint/martyr that I can't be.
My mother would have been a very sad bunny indeed if I'd done that.
It has not been "all about M2M since the moment she gave birth" It has been all about the sons. The ones who don't come around or call now. I don't know if she saw me as a rival for my Dad (a reverse Electra Complex) or if she always resented my independence and how I didn't need her like the boys did.
But she is more than happy to make it all about her now.
And when the doctor says she should be doing certain things but she refuses to, I think I can hold it against her. When the doctor says she is able to exercise and needs to do it but she refuses to, I can't help but resent her for becoming too weak to do anything.
I have made every effort to improve her quality of life. She wants for nothing. I try to take her out to do things but she doesn't want to. I buy her a van with a lift seat but it only goes out to doctor's appointments now. Sadly, everything I do to make life easier for her makes her even less likely to try to do anything for herself.
I am happy for you that you had a good relationship with your mother but please understand that there are those of us who are making great sacrifices for someone who was not quite as amazing as your mother. And we are looking for a light at the end of the tunnel.
The problem I have with your post is it's all about 'Belle', which I'm going to guess has been the case since your dear mother gave birth to you.
Now that I have your attention. I want you to ask yourself. WHY did she "smoke herself to death"? Have you ever sit down and had a heart-to-heart with 'mom' and asked her why she smoked so much? I'm doubting, from your attitude, that she would share with you any heartfelt emotions, let alone the truth. If I were her, I certainly would not. Consider though that YOU may have been part of the reason she did.
Next., do you realize that CHF is a 'normal' side effect of COPD? How much research have you done on her illnesses. Have you bothered to read about them, other than on forums where everyone is brown nosing? If you truly care and want to help her, you'll stop bullying her about doing things she cannot do, and learn how to better help her and yourself and research. There are new treatments and medications coming to market on a contant basis. There are trials, organ transplants and lots of options. Research. Read.
I suggest you start with COPD and then advance to CHF and Pulmonary Hypertension, another major side effect of COPD, then you can move on to colostomy, osteoporosis and all the other co-morbidities, many of which are caused by COPD, which is not just ONE but several illnesses. With that said it's clear that your 'mom' has a lot going on medically and physically.
When you have learned how much of her life that these diseases combined have taken from her, perhaps you'll stop asking her to 'get out of bed', and understand the true reason "She says her knees gave out--", and stop a**-uming that it's something that "happens when you lie on your a** in bed all day and refuse to exercise." Perhaps you'll understand she isn't refusing.
To start you off in your research, I can tell you from personal experience that COPD, CHF and Pulmonary Hypertension all three work very hard to keep one from breathing. It's not just that your mom has one issue that affects her breathing, but she has two and probably three by now! That's a lot of stuff attacking her ability to breathe! No wonder she CAN'T exercise. She CAN'T breathe!
Lesson two- Lack of exercise makes breathing muscles weak.. (COPD, CHF, PH, Weak Muscles) leg muscles turn to mush and eventually a fall takes place, unless there is a knowledgeable caretaker with ample foresight to see the problems mounting and can prevent it from happening. 'Mom' could have had a walker, a wheelchair or any number of assistance items to help her walk so that a fall could have been avoided. How well is your home fall proof.
Lesson three- Exercising only adds to the COPD, CHF and PH that aggravates her inability to breathe normally. There comes a point in time that one is unable to move farther than a few steps and then they become bed-bound, not because they refuse to exercise, but because their disease will not let them breathe well enough to exercise. Catch 22.
Caretakers that try to bully and make these patients do more than they can, contribute to their heavy load of guilt and feelings of inadequacy. It sometimes borders on mental abuse. 'Mom', and patients like her, carry tremendous feelings of sadness and they mourn daily for the life they once had. They fear becoming a burden on their loved ones and many have daily thoughts of suicide.
Why not, sit down and talk with her, really talk with her. Get to know how she feels, what she wants out of life, what you can do to make her quality of life better. Work as a team. As mom and daughter. Stop 'blaming', and for heaven's sake stop assuming. Do the research. Learn all you can about her medical problems, it will make you a better caregiver.
Last but not least, show your mom some love. She never gave up on you from the time she laid eyes on you. She REALLY IS helpless, not because she wants to be, but because her multiple co-morbidities make her that way.
Here is a song I want you to listen to ... when you have some time alone. You may not like the artist or the genre, but I think you need to hear the words. It's called "Life Turned Her That Way" by Ricky Van Shelton.
I'll leave you with this thought..It was about Belle from the time she laid eyes on you, it's about 'mom' now. Why not make it as safe, secure and full of love for her like she did all those years for you. It's a choice you know. You are more able than she.. and she wants to love you more than you know. Don't let her illness come between you. Do it all with love. You will not regret it.
Let her leave this world loving you.
There doesn't seem to be any fluid on his lungs, but I'm facing trouble at work if I take off any more time to take Dad to another "He's fine" appointment.
I contacted Dad's psychiatrist at the VA (which I hate), and she just upped his Seroquel again. All that seems to do is knock him out, then he gets anxious about sleeping too much.
We can't afford other care at this point, and I get the feeling that psych thinks I'm exaggerating about Dad's condition. My next step is to record his panic attacks. Maybe she'll believe me when she sees him hunched over gasping for air and pacing in circles.
...If it wouldn't hurt Dad to lose another child...I'm just tired.
Does he have fluid in his lungs that can be drawn off?
Is it time for hospice? Or if not hospice, then a higher level of pain or anxiety meds?
Our relationship wasn't the best, but I would never wish any ill will on him. The days when I hear him say how "tired" he is or how he feels "worthless" because he can't remember how to use a doorknob (true story). It's heartbreaking.
Watching him gasp for air and become anxious to the point of tears just completely wears me out. He hardly eats and has trouble sleeping... I dunno. I find myself wondering how much more either of us can take.
I think I was more upset about the suggestion that we can just walk away. It felt like a "get over it..." suggestion.
I'm a complete wreck this week, so sorry if my post seemed just as harsh.
Some people feel that euthanazia is something that should be allowed. I have very mixed feelings about that because of the danger of abuse.
Wishing someone would die is a totally different subject.
A lot depends on the reason that this wish is present. Does one wish that they could have an end to their suffering? Can they just get on with it so the family can enjoy their inheritance? Is the "loved" one a miserable old cuss who is burning out their caregiver and making them ill?
Whether any of these apply depends on ones moral conscience.
Personally my hubby and I hope we are able to ease our passing when life becomes unbearable. Will it happen who knows.
It's not easy to see someone suffer unnecessarily whether they are joyful, loving human beings or miserable grumps that feed on negativity. It's truly awful to watch someone's body be kept alive well past it's prime.
@ Dontask4handout, this thread isn't in the spirit of "My elderly loved one is old and a lot of trouble, let's get rid of him/her"... It's coming from a place of compassion.
"Just leaving the situation..." isn't care giving at all. A truly ill person (especially with cognition decline) CAN'T figure out how to be cared for which is why they need CARE GIVERS -- most likely they are in danger if left on their own.
Since, it's so wrong...
Picture this: A person brings a 11-year-old dog to a veterinary clinic that can't see or hear well (and is extremely anxious as a result). The dog is starting to have accidents in the house because of it's advanced age and has been constantly whining in pain. After an examination, the vet discovers that the dog has a condition that MAY be partially cured with an expensive surgery, but the animal would have to be on medication for the rest of its life.
You LOVE this animal. You've been with it all of it's life, but the surgery would be a financial burden. You really don't have the resources to care for it if you opt for the surgery. You need to work (probably extra to pay for the surgery), and how will you make sure the dog is properly cared for -- medications, companionship, etc.? So, after careful and painful consideration, you decide that the most HUMANE thing to do at this point would be to put the dog down. You take your time to say goodbye and are at the dog's bedside as it peacefully takes its last breath...
Now, take out the dog and replace with a parent, or a spouse, or a relative, or a friend. WELCOME TO THE PLIGHT OF A CARE GIVER!!! The only thing is, it's against the law to "put down" a human, so we caregivers are left to bear the emotional, physical, and financial turmoil until the end!!
IT'S NOT WRONG, and it gets me riled up when folks who DON'T UNDERSTAND the magnitude of a care giver's sacrifice to judge a completely human emotion and contemplation.
As awful as it sounds, we, the family all agreed it would be kindest to her emotionally if she passed in her sleep, instead of suffering through a slow age and health decline. It didn't happen, unfortunately, and she faded away drugged with morphine in a nursing home after falling and breaking bones. Some people who suffer want to pass, but she fought it every step of the way. We prayed that because of the medication, at the end, she was at peace and did not realize what was happening. Its been a year now, we miss her, but we know she is in a better place.