
The oldest person in the world in 2019 is a woman in Japan. She is 116! Crazy! What is keeping people alive so long? Any ideas? Just curious? My God, if my mom is alive that long I will surely be dead before her! There are YouTube videos of her telling about her life, interesting.

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I agree, no way!!

Said to have died at the age of 969, he lived the longest of all figures mentioned in the Bible. According to the Book of Genesis, Methuselah was the son of Enoch, the father of Lamech, and the grandfather of Noah.

Just sayin. My Lord, my God! Requires an answer.


Yeah, the biblical accounts blow my mind totally!

Unreal, huh? Living that long!

Do you think some of those elderly lost count, just kept adding on the years?


They have the birth certificates to verify it. Fascinating, isn’t it?

Yes, fascinating.
My son added two years on his own birth certificate so he could be 21 and drink.
I did not like that at all.


Haha, not uncommon with kids his age. When I was young drinking age was 18 in Louisiana. I loved it because I loved music and I could go to clubs with my friends to hear my favorite bands. He’s young!

These people are as old as dirt!

Haha, sure are!

Scary. Isn’t it? I am highly sceptical of these people. Birth records were not kept so well 100 years ago and many records lost during wars. Some births were not recorded until baptism so no baptism no birth certificate.

I read in American Medical Journal a few months back that a 10 year could live to be 110 to 115 easily. That my generation could live to be 100 to 110. Some of this is do to science but mostly just to human evolution. But it really seems people are living to be 100 already!

I wouldn't mind living long as long as I have quality of life. Once my quality life is gone then dig a hole and put me in it--I'm done. LOL!

Decided to Google to see what I can find. There are suspicions that Jean Calment was actually her daughter, Identity theft and fraud. 😲

My Grandm lived to be 100 and my Mother is almost 96. Her doctor says there is nothing wrong with her. She only takes ibuprofen for slight arthritis and a very low dose of blood pressure medicine. Mom says cinnemon lowers her blood pressure better than the pill! My Mom is killing me 😑

I find this unbearably depressing.

My great grandmother and great grandfather lived to be 100. They died within a month of each other. Great Grandma said she wouldn't die while he was alive because she didn't trust him. Not sure what she thought he was going to do. Their 13 children, including my grandmother, all lived well into their 90's, but none to 100. In my family it seems we are dying younger, not older. On my dad's side, too, there was longevity with the women, but not the men. My mom, so far, is the only family member with dementia.


Hubby’s great grandma lived to be just shy of 102! My cousin is 97 and doesn’t even use a cane! My uncle lived to be 96 and my mom is 93. Great aunts lived into their 90’s.

People are definitely living a long time!


Hahaha, thanks for the giggle!


Baptismal records are a good way to trace their history. There are interesting stories with baptismal records too though. In New Orleans where I live there were pages torn out of the records due to various circumstances.

Actually, the Mormon church has excellent genealogy records. Their research is incredible!

People should live as old as they can provided they are in good health and can take care of themselves. Otherwise, we all should have a quick, painless, and peaceful death. I know it's wishful thinking on my part.

I'm with you Polarbear!


Amen! I want to go just like my sweet grandma did! Just dropped dead! She watched grandpa suffer and she begged God to have an easy death.

She was the most loving woman and funny as hell! If I told you some of her expressions you’d die laughing. But you’d have to be a southerner from New Orleans to truly appreciate her sense of humor.

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