
The writer heard and read about multiple cases and told the story in a corrupt guardian point of view. What is your point of view as a family member, neighbor or friend that witnessed this happening to your loved one, neighbor or friend? How do you get people unaware of this happening to believe it does indeed happen everyday nationwide in some courtrooms/probate judges?

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To be frank this was one of the silliest things that I EVER saw on TV. I watched about 15 minutes shouting at the TV "CALL YOUR LAWYER" before shutting it off. My partner said "What a disservice to indicate that this is how it goes in any way". First of all a court will NOT strip your citizenhood willingly. Those fighting for guardianship over your body will NOT GET IT if you are even minimally competent. Can you tell me what in your life you have seen that even begins to compare to this show? No court will strip you of your self rights. You would be assigned an attorney virtually FREE OF CHARGE to prove your competency for your own life, and that competency would be cheap. Secondly, there are few out there this nefarious, starting with the stupid DOCTOR in this program. You imagine do you, leagues of doctors out there so evil that they conspire with and take money from guardianship people.
I happen to know a court appointed Fiduciary. For 90 dollars an hour what he goes through having to know legal, real estate, and all other laws, and then dealing with Spectrum phone company is enough to drive anyone mad for a minimally (by today's standards) good living.
I think the show is nonsense, and that is for a lack of something more profane I could come up with.
You asked opinion. That's mine.
I am reporting my own comment in the hopes that ADMINS will move this to "discussions" where a lot of our other opinions, nonsensical and otherwise, reside, and where I no longer go much at all.

It does happen. I remember reading true stories in the news in the last few years, Las Vegas, San Jose, Florida. All over the country. Not that all court appointed guardians are evil and corrupt. There’s corruption happening in every profession under the sun.

I think it is a cautionary tale. We need to watch out for elder abuse. We need to teach the elderly to never answer their doors to strangers. That’s the lesson I learned. In the news stories I’ve read, the victims are seniors that might be slightly confused thus easily persuaded to go along.

2nd half of the movie turns into some action movie which is not convincing at all.

My MIL is in a a care home. The owner has dealt with residents with court appointed guardians. She says a guardian tried to force one of her residents to move to a different care home although he has lived there for seven years and said he doesn’t want to leave. This guardian was trying to fill another home.

How does the poem go First They Came

The part of the judge in that show was lame beyond a form of reality. Then a woman simply walks into the director's office and basically orders him to make a residents life unbearable. My fear is that younger people unfamiliar with the whole aging process might think that there is logic to most of what the show attempted to show the viewer. I stayed watching to the end hoping that some truth might prevail. The ending was the best.

It was just a movie. That being said, I was often amazed, as my parents POA, at how easy it would be to embezzle their money. They had no idea how much money they had, or how to manage or budget.

The trailer is filled with her forging documents. It's a thriller and I can't wait to watch it. Anything that raises awareness about elder abuse is a good thing, IMO. Perhaps it will spur more people to get their paperwork - POA, DPOA, living will, will - done!

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