
My mother is 98 years old and the only medication she takes is a blood thinner and a water tablet. Blood pressure is normal but low on very hot days. Last week she told me she had a burning sensation when she passed urine. Contacted my doctor but she had gone away for a week. Told the receptionist of the problem and was told she would relay this to the doctor. The receptionist calls back the next day to say a script for a UTI is at the pharmacy. The antibiotic was ciprofloxacin. I gave mom one and the trouble started. She could not swallow, got confused and she could not get off the toilet seat without collapsing and just wanted to sleep. It was a 5 day course of 500 mg every 12 hours. Took to ER but they would not see her because of covid and it's just old age. Took her off the tablets and she can now swallow okay, still gets a bit confused and has trouble walking if getting up from a deep sleep. Eats a good breakfast and ensure for lunch with banana, paw paw and apple added. Seems funny this all started when taking the antibiotic. She also has mucus in her throat (been like that for year or more) when she lies down ani is given Prospan or Carbocisteine which seen to help. Always rubbing her eyes and has itchy eyes or a pain behind her eyes or in the sinus regions above and below. CT scan done 2 months ago showed chronic rhinitis. Finally spoke to doctor who wasn't interested. Said nothing she can do for my mother as she is now 98 a a ct scan (had on done) or blood test are out of the question because of covid. When CT scan was done also did a blood test and found out mom was severely dehydrated (was put on iv) and lacked potassium(tablets). GP gone on holiday again for 2 weeks but she is not interested. Could this be side effects from antibiotic (finished half the course 1 week ago) . Uti no more burning sensation, smelly or cloudy urine but this could be because I am giving her rehydrat. UTI could still be there if she had one in the first place. Could it be a sinus infection or just dehydration. Seems funny it all happened after the antibiotics. Used to have to give her zopiclone to make her sleep. Do have other antibiotics for a UTI if you think I should give them to her. Pharmacist told me me she is just deteriorating because of her age. She does have dementia (never been checked for it) but does know that I am her son and my name. Is also very bored with lock down and cannot see properly because of poor eyesight. Sometimes have to repeat my self a few times before she understands. Seems to have her thoughts elsewhere. She lives with me and I am her caregiver 24/7. No help from anybody especially now with covid

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You must not live in the USA? Being turned away at an ER is really unthinkable here, which is why I ask.

For a pharmacist to tell you your mother is 'just deteriorating due to old age' is an equally unthinkable remark to make to a person. Outrageous, in fact. So what........if a person is very old, there is no help available to them at ALL where you live? Should they be left to perish b/c their doctor is on holiday and the ER is too worried about a virus to let sick people in their doors?

Yes, your mother could definitely have had a bad reaction to the antibiotic; I've had one myself to Keflex and it's not unheard of to be allergic to various medications.

I don't know if you should be giving your mother other antibiotics; UTIs are treated with an antibiotic based on the particular bacteria that is identified when a urine culture is performed. If the antibiotic you have on hand is not expired, and if she has had good results with it in the past, you might want to give her some and see if the infection clears up, being you're not getting any results with the 'medical professionals' wherever it is you reside.

Wishing you the best of luck with a tough situation. You are a loving and caring son to be taking such good care of your mom. Bless you
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Garyb Dec 2020
I live in Durban in South Africa. Mom has never had a UTI before and antibiotic I have is broad spectrum and can be used for UTI. Never used it before. Was given for soft tissue injury. The attitude here is she's 98 and lived her life. I now have to rely on the internet for answers as there is only the two of us and no other family to discuss with. She has cut herself a few times (very thin skin) but wounds heal quickly so that must be a sign of good health. By the way GP did no test to determine if she had UTI. and if you look on the internet regarding Ciprofloxacin it says it is a very dangerous medication to take. Thank you for answering.
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It is odd that this post so mirrors another we had yesterday. Both caregivers are treating undiagnosed UTI. One is using over the counter drugs. And in this case quite strong drugs not ordered for any UTI, and on an undiagnosed UTI.
I can't know what is available in Durban, So Africa, nor identify with the attitude that a patient is 98, and has "lived her life". So it is difficult to imagine how you might get treatment or give care. It is only to say I am very sorry for the Medical System you are negotiating, and wish you the best of luck.
In the USA we can get over the counter in any pharmacy a Urine dipstick. They are very cheap and can be bought on Amazon, etc, for less than 5.00 last I looked. They come with instructions, and indications for bacteria or white blood cells, blood in urine, etc will show on the stick dipped in urine.
While it is true that there have been some DRAMATIC (and very RARE) side effects with Cipro, it is a marvelous (in my opinion) broad spectrum antibiotic, and I am sad we have met with MD refusal to prescribe it now (if you are interested at all in the rare and dramatic side effect of cipro you can look it up online easily). The same thing has happened with problems with opioids and addiction. Now people who truly need pain relief are unable to get it because doctors will almost never prescribe opiates. It is a matter of the pendulum swinging one way, then another, with no middle ground ever found.
You have mentioned low potassium. Is your elder taking any diuretics? Lasix or another? These wash out some electrolyte which need to be replaced, and bananas won't help; they must be replaced with prescription doses and the blood measured to ascertain they are replaced. Low potassium can cause heart problems and and even death.
I wish you good luck. Unfortunately, that is about all we can do in these circumstances. You apparently are in a country where it is assumed and accepted that a 98 year old enters automatically into palliative care without treatment. Short of advising you to continue to try to get medical care, I really can't advise you in any way, and am so very sorry for that. Keep trying to access medical assistance for your elder.
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AlvaDeer Dec 2020
Do know also that anyone can have an allergic response to any medication; this can be on a whole spectrum from mild reaction to very severe and life threatening reaction. Difficulty swallowing or feeling that there is swelling in the throat is an allegic reaction that can quickly become deadly, closing off the breathing, and a call to 911 should be made at once. Just because someone was able to take and tolerate a medication at one time doesn't mean that they can take it and tolerate it at another time. Allergies can show up at any time.
Some miscellaneous suggestions:   bananas are good sources of potassium; you might research this and make sure she has other good potassium sources, since she was diagnosed as being low in that.

I've used chicken soup for throat mucus.    I also let the steam from the soup enter my nose; it helps to keep it clear.    I don't know if it would affect rhinitis, but at least it might help her breath easier, and the warmth and fragrance of chicken soup is soothing.

I've used sage and other herbs in hot water, but I wouldn't recommend anything for someone else w/o a doctor's review of her situation.  I'm just saying that warm water with something soothing can help clear a clogged nose and/or throat phlegm.

I do think though that asking which meds you might or might not give her is risky, and gambling with her health, not to mention side effects.   You need a doctor who's responsive.    And I doesn't sound like the ones you've got have been so.

Research online for geriatric doctors in your area; search hospital staffs as well, under the geriatric classification.   Does South Africa have doctors who specialize in care of the elderly?    You might have to consider a larger city for that, though.

I've used Melatonin to induce sleep, which you could consider if you find a decent doctor with whom to discuss it.).    Don't give her coffee or anything stimulating in the evening.    And definitely no pop.

I do NOT think you should give your mother any other antibiotics; this is a decision for a doctor.   Don't gamble with your mother's health.

Cranberry juice is good for UTI prevention.  

Does she have current prescription glasses for her vision?
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