
When my mom when into AL in March I signed a contract for her care, knowing it could change as her level of care changes. It has not. I received a letter today stating “due to discrepancies in level of care charges that have not been feeding through our system and into billing. You will see an increase in this and following statements” Am I responsible for their discrepancies?

Has mom's care needs changed? If so, you are responsible for the charges. If her care needs haven't changed, you need to take it up with admin at the AL. Be sure you know exactly what services mom is using though, as they likely all have fees attached.
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Reply to lealonnie1
Rhonda4Peggy38 Oct 29, 2024
Thank you for your reply. My mother’s LOC has not changed and she hasn’t added any services. (Honestly, they don’t offer much and she doesn’t eat very often. She says the food is “unidentifiable “) I’ll take this matter up with the AdMin.
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You are responsible to pay, yes, even if payment request is delayed by their system. You agreed to the care and the change in contract I am assuming. You must pay. Mistakes happen. But the care was given and you knew they would be, and you are responsible to pay.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Yes they do complain about the food in assisted living. Momma has complained for the last six years which is how long she has been there. She has to have her meals delivered to her for the time being and she says it is cold. I say momma you have a microwave - heat it up. I also try to give her other suggestions like when my sister goes and buys her groceries ask her to pick up some other foods that she can microwave and have some sort of backup plan or maybe sis or bro could bring you some outside food from a restaurant or such to change it up. We have had this conversation many times.
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Reply to akababy7

Ask for an accounting of these discrepancies. Room and Board usually includes the room, meals, laundry and housekeeping. This was a set rate like rent. Rent will go up yearly.

Then its actual care. In Moms AL it was 1 to 4. Mom was a 4 the highest level of care. This would be med passes, pharmacy, bathing, dressing, getting her down to meals. If she needs shots.

I received Moms bill every month. The care was listed separately. So I would want to know what services she was getting that were not billed for.
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Reply to JoAnn29

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