
Sorry to go off topic but I need good thoughts (or prayer) desperately. Have had pain 6 days with no NSAIDS, due to ckd. Appt later for tooth extraction. (P.S. Do not reply with 'information', dental horror stories, or 'worst case scenarios). Desperately need goodwill. Thanks. Tiger.

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My husband flew through a difficult extraction with FLYING COLORS about 6 weeks ago, and my prayer for you is that yours will be EXACTLY THE SAME!!

I found his ”aftercare package” Saturday while hanging drapes; he didn’t even have to open it! He will be having an additional extraction in a few weeks, and isn’t the slightest bit concerned. It was THAT EASY!

Modern dental methods produce amazing results- do EXACTLY what you are told and think about the most relaxing and beautiful things you can imagine while your work is being done, and most important, plan something super fun to do after you leave the oral surgeon’s office and think of THAT while you're in process too.

My best thoughts and hopes that all will go PERFECTLY!
Helpful Answer (2)
anonymous828521 Jun 2019
Bless you, that's a great story. My ex was a real trooper for his extraction too. (I'm a whiner probably). But thank you so very much😅.
I also have dental anxiety. I've had extractions, and they were pretty easy when done while under sedation by an oral surgeon.

Hoping for the same for you!
Helpful Answer (2)
anonymous828521 Jun 2019
Wow, sedation, I hadn't thought of asking for that... But it's ok, I gotta get this darn tooth out any way I can. Thanks.
Hoping your extraction is quick and easy. Remember often the anticipation is much worse than the actual experience.
Helpful Answer (2)
anonymous828521 Jun 2019
Yeah, those needles for novicaine can be awful also, but worth it. Thanks.

I am praying for you as I would for myself. I am going today for the consultation and later in the week will get a tooth extracted. I read your post and immediately began to pray. I know what tooth pain feels like. I pray that your procedure is routine, gives you relief, and heals completely.
Helpful Answer (2)
anonymous828521 Jun 2019
Thank you Treeartist, I will also remember your dental needs, in prayer this week. (Thank God for 'sticky notes', I use them to remember everything)!
Hope it goes well and your recovery is easy/fast-
Helpful Answer (2)
anonymous828521 Jun 2019
I just got back, cuz they took me early, 🙌. Bad novicaine but otherwise no problem. I felt courage from everybody's goodwill. Thanks.
Tiger55, sorry to hear you are in pain. Good that you're going to the dentist later on for an extraction- you are going to be okay! You got this! You'll be fine.

I had four wisdom teeth extracted a few years ago, and it was really nothing. You'll feel a whole lot better after the procedure- no more pain!
Helpful Answer (1)
anonymous828521 Jun 2019
God I hope so, looking forward to getting this darn tooth out! Thanks.
Sending you positive thoughts Tiger!
Helpful Answer (1)
anonymous828521 Jun 2019
I needed ur good thoughts friend, thanx. I got to go in early, & tooth came out with no breakage... (got antibiotics for sinus complication). Glad it's over, resting😰😳
Hope all went fantastically well and that you are now resting and relaxing!
Helpful Answer (1)
anonymous828521 Jun 2019
Ur right, it went well (after lots of novicaine) & they got me in 6 hrs earlier than expected, thank God. But I really felt better about going, after asking for all ur input, thanks 2 all.😅
Good luck. For me it was a breeze but I will admit I had a bit of nitrous oxide (laughing gas as it was once called) and I will say I wish I could live on that stuff. I loved it. I was so afraid. The waiting room is the worst room in the house. Good luck. Hope it goes well and you will come back and tell us you are doing just fine. Thoughts with you!
Helpful Answer (1)
anonymous828521 Jun 2019
Laughing gas sounds wonderful! (Just a dream tho, lol). I will post results, thanks😳
Good news! I'm back home cuz they got me in early, YAY! Needed lots of painful novicaine, but worth it (probably). The tooth came out in one piece & I got antibiotics for a sinus complication. I feel drowsy due to pain meds: (I'm not allowed to use NSAIDS due to ckd). Won't be eating for a couple more days, but so glad its over😰😳, thanks everyone! God bless you.
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