Has anyone had personal experience and success with cannabis treatment for mood/ depression in the very elderly? My mother is 99 and technically in hospice but quite alert however depressed about her condition (And yes we've tried everything else through the hospice It doesn't work)... because Illinois is a legal state hospice said they would make some suggestions but I wondered if anybody had a specific formulation / brand that they have had success with that can be bought at a dispensary. I know Medicare won't cover it so I may buy this on my own which they said is okay.
I don't need advice on other drugs or treatments ...those have all been tried, just inquiring if anybody has actual experience with cannabis helping a loved one's mood.
Be sure to check out the Fivecbd.com website's FAQs yourself when looking over their info and products.
Good luck to you!
the rule for meds with elders is to start at a very low dose, and increase slowly until you see a benefit. Starting with a tincture of drops (mixed into a cup of a favorite beverage) lets you go up slowly. When you find an amount that works, talk to someone at the dispensary about which edibles would be most similar in dose. Or you might find she doesnt respond much, if at all.
Tylenol and ice cream can be good medicine, too.
Docs are wary of getting too involved with cannabis use, as federal govt (Medicare) can see all records and cannabis is illegal at the federal level.
In fact, in persons with ACTUAL mental and psychiatric illness, it makes the condition WORSE!
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