My father-in-law is 88. About 3 years ago, because of his health situation (in & out of hospital), we had a POA drawn up. My husband is an only child & we live far away. We needed the security that people would speak directly to my husband for answers on various matters. My father-in-law fought us the whole way, saying that he's heard too many stories of kids that get "that power", then rob the parent. I was furious & hurt; my husband has never said or done anything that would give him that idea. After a few awkward moments, he finally agreed to sign the POA but would not let us take a copy home with us. So, now if anything happens, my husband has to first travel back home, go to his dad's house (assuming he can get in), hope the POA is where his dad put it & then proceed with whatever has to be done.
You need the security? No: surely, it's your FIL who needs that security. And if he instead chooses to shoot himself in the foot by granting your husband POA but then preventing him from using it, why not let it be FIL's problem? Wash your hands of it.
You could ask him, I suppose, if there is someone he would trust better to act on his behalf. It might concentrate his mind on what the POA is for: namely, to help HIM.
Frankly, I'd cut ties with the guy from what you've written. At first I thought he might have dementia, but it sounds like he's always been "self-contained" as someone else said. If my own father didn't trust me to keep a POA copy, I wouldn't let the door hit me on the way out. But that's just me.
Now, when the time comes, I will need to go to my mother's house, and find the key. Assuming it's where I think it is. It may not be. Who knows? It's one more layer of b.s. that she couldn't care less about, but is leaving me to deal with.
If I knew then what I know now...
The bottom line is, what happens if the house burns down and all that stashed cash, legal papers, bank statements, investment papers, etc. go up in smoke can be a long time to have to obtain copies or mail overtime to recreate. Secondly, if the elder didn't sign a DPOA, AMD, will, etc. in the attorney's office or filed a signed copy with attorney, he can't help you with unsigned copies. That is what happened with me when I checked with her attorney to see what he might have on her behalf. AND hopefully you even know who the attorney is.
If your loved one is unconscious, again, how are they going to tell you where to locate documents, keys, etc.
I have over the last year and half slowly gotten some info out of my mom --enough to know her banks, etc. But she has yet to give me a copy of any papers, keys, etc. I'm 57 and don't even have key to the house.
When she passes, it will be a mess and a burden on me since I live so far away and work full time. I dread the day when I will have to use up leave time to turn the house upside down to find papers, etc. it's ridiculous to put your loved ones thru this unnecessary burden.
Luckily my in-laws have given us copies of everything and update us annually on any changes, including having a safe box and gave us the key. We will do same with our kids.
You do not have the right to have POA if your parent deems otherwise.
Back off.
Elder abuse may be construed if you pursue this line of doubtful enterprise.
Again I say, back off!
But I do agree with others that they should explain to him that he is free to withhold the document and take his chances when he becomes ill or injured.
Yet another note to self: thrash this one out thoroughly and ahead of time with my children!
Read between the lines. :)
On the other hand, I will admit to not quite fully trusting my kids with my credit card and bank information yet. One of them did abuse the shared gas card more than once and we had to discuss that more than once; they have been totally appropriate with our express pay at Walgreen's though. It's hard. I posted a long time ago about what do you do if you don't trust your family members...
CM -- this goes to your question about why POAs don't decide to resign -- I have fantasized at times about resigning as my mother's POA, and have crafted a statement to her that was comforting to me, but which I'll never use. Something like, "I'm happy to withdraw myself and let you turn everything over to 'brother and his wife,' if you would be happier with that arrangement." But she knows better than to do that. If my brother and his wife were willing and capable, I might have offered that suggestion to her a long time ago.
I have some difficulty with the poster's situation. The POA and health proxy should be drawn up at the instigation of the person (the donor) whose interests are being protected. Others may advise and even pressure that person to act in their own interests but, to my mind, it should not be drawn up by someone else for their own convenience. "We needed the security that people would speak directly to my husband for answers on various matters". This is not the purpose of these documents.Even though it may take some persuasion and possibly a difficult health situation or two to alert a senior that they need this kind of protection, it should be done by them of their own volition. I am not surprised, having described your fil's personality and the circumstances of drawing up the POA that he is suspicious. The aim of this was to meet your needs primarily. not his, not that his interests could not be served by it. You must have his "buy in" to make it workable. It should be his lawyer, and he should have been in control of the contents and wording of the document. I see this very much as a control issue between your husband and his father, and any coercion will just lead to more distrust.
The second issue that I see is the combining of financial/business matters and health matters. Frankly, it kind of makes me wonder why you did it this way. if your main concern is advocating for your fil on health matters then a health proxy or similar document is the one that should have been drawn up. I think that separating the two is important. Your fil may be more comfortable with you having a health proxy in your possession that the document you had drawn up. I would be, and I am a relatively trusting person though practical and realistic. You do not need a full POA to be informed about your fil's health. And if fil is competent you really have no business in his business.
A third issue I see is the question of your fil's capacity/competence. Many POAs are activated when the donor becomes incapacitated according to the assessment of a couple of doctors. There has been no mention of incapacity on the part of fil, so, logically, there is no need for you to have the documents. Mother named me on her health files as next of kin, so hospitals called me when she was admitted if they needed any information. Also I could call and enquire about her when she was in hospital. That and/or a health proxy sounds like what is needed if, indeed, fil wants that. As he is competent, he has to right to determine who gets information, health or otherwise, about him or who does not get this information.
As to him and the family "stuff", you really have to let that go as much as possible when you take on the job of caring for a parent, which you appear to want to do. You are to be commended for that. It is often a thankless task, and fraught with conflict when the parent has the type of personality your fil has. Quite likely one day he will need a family member to act on his behalf, and it doesn't look like there is a line up if people willing to do that. My mother has a personality disorder which makes dealing with her very difficult and the last couple of years has been like walking through a mine field, to get her the help that she so obviously needs. A few mines have been detonated along the way, but no fatalities so far. ;)
OK! Where to go from here?
If it were me, I would sit down with fil and possibly a trusted-by-him third person, like his attorney, and describe what your concerns are. I would also let him know that you understand his reluctance about having such a powerful document in the hands of others, as it is not needed at present. Ask him if he thinks it is wise for a family member to be able to discuss health matters with his doctors. Describe to him the possibility of a stroke or other scenario where he becomes incapacitated and needs family to act for him, health wise and business wise and discuss with him what is needed on paper for him to have that protection. If he does not want that protection you cannot force him to have it. I would be inclined to tear up the other document and have him and his lawyer draw up what he wants and needs.
Good luck. It sounds like he is a difficult person to deal with and then these matters are sooo touchy!
@loo I have considered withdrawing too, but won't unless something extreme happens to me. Relinquishing mother's fate into my sister's hands is not something I would not to do, regardless of our history.
Um. Just to set my mind at rest: do bear in mind that POA won't override your FIL's wishes unless God forbid he becomes incapable of expressing them. I'm just looking at your mention of medical treatment up there. If FIL doesn't want medical information shared it still can't be, of course. But with POA perhaps your husband will be better placed to persuade him to come clean :)
Best of luck, hope all is well with your mother now.
A lot of institutions can be wary about accepting it, and sometimes they'll have their own POA that they'll require. It's very frustrating.
But it sounds like you have several issues w/your mother. No longer having good communication/contact, not having a key anymore, and so on.
Perhaps you can speak with her physician directly, and let him know what's going on. That might be a good first step.
Who diagnosed her with dementia? If it's the doctor who's now asking her for permission to act, that's kind of strange...if it's a different doc, then you need to make sure her regular doc is aware of the diagnosis. I'm sure you'll get other good advice on here, but please don't walk away from your mom if you can help it. It's her disease talking and acting strangely.
So, after all her lying and back biting, they spelled my name wrong. I have only had this name 32 years. No one included me in this process or spoke to me about any of it or I would have caught the mistake. When I asked mom about it she lied to me again. Telling me that she didn't know anything about he POA and did not have a copy. All lies.
So what did I do? I went into my files and shredded the POA. Should my brother die, her attorney will be in control. I will not seek guardianship of some who lies aBout me and does not trust me. I would be crazy to try and handle her financial business considering our past.
Yep, the POA is gone and rescinded.
So yes, I refused the alternate position. And no, no one knows yet.
How can people treat someone like this and just think it's ok? I'm not just saying "how dare they", I mean literally, how does it happen? What is going through their minds?
Maybe not much is going through their minds. Maybe that's the point. I don't know if it's better or worse.
The thing is, though, shredding your copy won't change your status. I think you're right to wash your hands of it, but do it matter-of-fact: write to the lawyer, tell him you're withdrawing and he should do the appropriate paperwork to that effect.
Also, how long ago did this happen? Not more than a day or two? You sound hopping mad; and although so would I be that isn't the best frame of mind for being business-like in. Maybe give it a day or two, then get it wrapped up. You'll feel better for it.
I'm sorry. Just when you think it's safe to go back in the water, eh?
My point of presenting this sad and sorry story is that in the end I can refuse to help someone who has tried so,hard to exclude me. I hope it never comes to,that but I have to ask if anyone of you would be POA for someone who said and I quote, "if Susie gets her hands on my money she will just blow through it all"? I never took one red cent from my mother. And I no longer feel it is my obligation to be the actual POA for her. There are alternatives.