Usually she is a blessing but with her UTI she tries to hit, kick, pinch and scratch me. The has tried to stab me with a fork and a knife. I know it is the dementia and the UTI but should I document this in some way? I've had to call the police twice and each time she calls me the devil and tells how mean II am, telling them that I have killed her, I've folded her. Should I document in some way her assaults on me?
My mother began having recurrent UTIs last year. What her doctor did was put her on Bactrim to be taken three times a week to try to keep the infections at bay. I also started giving her cranberry capsules to help to acidify her urine. If your mother is having recurrent infections, her doctor may consider a preventative treatment.
About documenting the assaults -- you can keep a journal with everything that is happening. I would mainly use the information to let me know what I need to do to make things better.
Today, you can never be too careful in protecting yourself.