
My mother is elderly and has suffered a stroke.My wife and I have been caring for her over the past six years.Financial lyrics now that my kids are getting ready for college.We are on a tight budget .My mom gets social security and had inherited some money.Well family came with their hands out which dwindle d her account.So We decided to have my oldest sister as sole executive of her finance s which she has done a tremendously good job.But she refuses to send me money to help with food the electric and her meds.Can I do something about this because she acts like its hers .But yet she has no qualms about throwing my mom in a nursing home.I don't get help from my other siblings either .Can I make her financially t(-.-)tttt give me money or some of my moms social security to help.My wife spent teeny grand on building her a room But my sister doesn't want to give me money to help with food transportation nothing .What can I do please help?

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You mother should be paying her own way in your house. She should at least be paying room and board, and, depending on her resources, perhaps she should be paying something additional for her care.

When you say that sister is "sole executive" do you mean she has POA? What is her legal authority here?

I suggest you consult an attorney specializing in Elder Law, and draw up reasonable personal care and/or room and board contracts. Spell out what you provide and what you are charging. Have the attorney write a letter to your sister explaining the financial facts of life.

A nursing home would cost MUCH more than anything you are likely to charge. Is there something else going on here? Does Sister think you aren't doing a good job caring for Mom?
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She had an attorney and we had it notorized that she has POS but no my care for my mom has never been a question .It's the refusal to help out financially .When I ask for some money to help with my mom they make every excuse not to send any or if they or she does at all its only like 150 thats supposed to last .When my mom wants to go out she thinks she pays .Idon't tell her it was on our dime.I can't no more though.When she wants to go out to eat I have to say no cause Im on a budget .So what can I do
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What you can do is go back to the attorney and work up contracts, and send your sister your bills for the contract. Sister does not have the authority to refuse to pay Mother's expenses out of Mother's funds.

To continue to accept this is a disservice to your mother.
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So the attorney drew up the poa and it's your sister that holds it. What you need now is a caregiving contract, which should also be drawn up by the lawyer, which stipulates how much mom pays you each month for room, board and caregiving.
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