
My sisters want to make a caregiver agreement with me. I have both parents living with me and provide 24/7 care. My sisters are finally seeing how much time and effort it takes to have our parents with me. They have mentioned an amount, per week which seems a little high for me. Any suggestions as to the amount per parent? I don't want to take advantage. Are there any guidelines?

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Hi there, I agree, its "just what we do" and for the first year thats what I did. But then I realized that if mom passed, her home would go to the siblings and that includes all that didnt have any "time" to take care of her. Did they give up their life, evenings, weekends, get up in the middle of the nights to change her and her bed, or because she was sick? Did they bathe her and take fullcare of her, no, and thats why people have caretaker agremments, so that when that time comes, the person who did the caring is compensated and then the rest is divided to the rest of the siblings. I wouldn never put my mom in a nursing home, money or no money, and I wish there were none to tell you the truth, I will always take care of her. This is not about making money, its about fairness and if all would just help, it wouldnt ever have to happen. We have to use moms money so she can qualify for medicaid if she lives a very long life and this is the legal way to do it. Here, she cannot ge medicaid owning a home, they would put a lein on her home and take their money in the end regardless.
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Our mom has qualified for medicade. We do not have a caretakers contract because there is only enough money to pay her food, taxes electric ect. There are wonderful compaignions during the day and we understand this means she is using the equity in her home. We manage her bills and are there for her needs. Her daughter is not involved at all and we do not expect or receive pay because..well I don't know why, I guess we were raised that you do all that you are capable of doing. We are not being marters just happy she can be in her much treasured home a while longer. i guess we are a little vunerable but we do keep good records and all receipts ect. Thanks for your input. Susan
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I have a caretakers agreement . At first I didnt want to, I felt as thou I was taking money from my mother until I realized I am not. Its for her care and for best interests to be home and not in a nursing home. I am not taking her money, I am taking the siblings money you could say, because what my Mom doesnt need for care, goes to them as beneficiaries . They do not help at all, I spent about $5,000 a month on Moms care including daycare, and thats 1/2 of a nursing home with much better care. All the love and attention she needs is right here with us. I do the fiducial duties as well, etc...and its not easy but a must. My biggest problem is that I pay over 12,000 a year in taxes on the money I receive so every 3-4 months I work a month for free actually. The taxes kill me!!! Remember about 30% of your pay will go to taxes, plus accounting fees. If its not in a legal contract, you cant ever qualify for MEdicaid so I advise this legal document and record everything you do, bathing, pills, dressing,pills, shopping, cleaning, preparing and feeding, skin doctors, internists, neurologists, hair dressers, blood work... etc.... Its not like we can put them to bed and go out, we are here all night for them also, no one realizes how much work it is. The companionship alone keeping them happy and safe without falling is time consuming on its own. (susan, you just cant have parents contribute money as they can, thats a gift and goes against your moms benefits in the future, everything has to be accounted for) You need to keep records for yourself, your siblings in the future, and your accountant.
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My mother in law broke her ribs- She is 90 and needed 24/7. We got her through a very difficult 3 months - we have actually taken a hit monetarily but we sleep well at night. My husband has been caring for her for over 30 years since his father died. She has dementia and will probably be in a nursing home within a year. For now she is back in her home and although has memory issues is thrilled to be home. Title 19 has kicked in so she receives a lot of help. Do what you feel is right in your heart- you'll live longer
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It is a good idea to have an agreement. I have been caring for my Mom but my brother has power of attorney. He pays me a weekly amount which is less than what we would pay if hiring someone to come in. I haven't gone to a lawyer myself but i probably should.
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A care giver agreement seems so childish to me. As well, why lay this on you. Throw it back ot them and say contribute what you can. Keep it simple. How do you put a price on caring for a parent. Keep yourself healthy and be well.
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Some states (or districts within states) will require that you have quotes in writing from similar professionals who offer similar services to those you are providing.

So, if you are assisting with financial management, medical management, care management, etc. other words services that provide for the health, maintenance, and welfare of your care receiver, you are essentially performing geriatric care management and booking services.

Geriatric Care Managers typically bill between $95 and $125 per hour. Bookkeeping services about $10 to $20 per hour. I generally recommend that my clients not submit contracts where the compensation will be more than $25 per hour. The less the better. Doing the arithmetic with life expectancy, hours per week, and rate of pay should help you get to the number you need.
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I am caregiver for 1 parent and in figuring out how much to pay myself, an attorney suggested getting a few quotes from at least 2 places.
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Thanks everyone for taking the time to answer my question. I did decide today to make an appointment with an attorney that specializes in elder law. I just don't want to mess things up for my Mom and Dad or myself. I'll let you all know what I find out. I think this site is wondeful for sharing knowledge with others. There is so much I am learning everyday. What I thought was common sense and the right thing to do is not always something the government agrees with.
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Whether the amount you are paid is fair or not is ultimately between you and your family however, if you believe there is a possibility that either of your parents will require Medicaid in the future it is important that your caregiver agreement and its terms be Medicaid compliant.

Rules with respect to Personal Care or Service Contracts or Agreements vary state by state. In Florida, which is a bit more liberal than other states, you must make sure the pay you are receiving is "reasonable" in light of what other professionals would charge for similar services. The amount of time spent per week must be reasonable and a contemporaneous care log indicating when and what type of services are performed must be maintained.

Additionally, the term of the contract cannot be greater than the care receiver's life expectancy as dictated by SS life expectancy tables.

Lastly, many states permit the transfer of lump sums to the caregiver in prospective satisfaction of the contract. If this is done, some states will require money to be returned to the estate of the care receiver in the event they pre-decease the term of the contract.

Whatever you do, make sure you document your transactions thoroughly.

By the way, is your father a veteran? He may be eligible to receive a non-service connected pension of up to $1,950 per month (for the couple) to help pay you for their care.
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I am impressed that your family is recognizing your work and
are willing to pay for your work. Do not feel bad, look at this
as business contract, check with local nursing homes,
assisted living that offer the kind of care you are giving and
look at your loss of income if you were working and the
extra expense you have in your household.I heard about a
program in Hawaii where families came care for an elderly
person a foster parent for children.. and get paid...
this may be a model to investigate. I have had my Dad and
Mother in my home for 14 years ( mother only for 2) and I
have one sister who pays nothing and it takes most of his
income to pay his bills. I have left my job ( early retirement)
because this is a full time job and I was to exhausted to do
both. Please allow your sibblings to do their share...mine
won't and It does affect the quality of my life and my husband.
I do not regret choosing to be the caretaker, it is my choice..
but it should be shared by other sibblings with either time or
Wishing you the best is the hardest job you will ever love.
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TAKE THE AMOUNT OFFERED! AND DON'T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT! Talk to luvmom about this, he has a caergiver's agreement already in place so he can answer any questions you have about it!
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