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I have had wonderful success using Visiting Angels (in South FL) for my 2 elderly aunts (ages 98 with advanced dementia and her sister, age 101 with no cognitive problems). The agency's franchise owner came to their home to interview all of us to make sure it's a good fit. My aunts don't have any medical or physical needs, my 101-yr old aunt needs a break caring for her sister, who is now a fall risk. The first young lady they sent was wonderful but then left to get married and start a family. It took about 3 new people before they provided literally the perfect lady and she's been with them for over 6 years now. She takes the 98-yr old for walks, plays cards with her, watches tv w/her, drives both of them on errands if they want, does some ironing and very light housekeeping, eats lunch with them. They adore her.

The fee is $22 p/hr per person. This is for a caregiver who is not qualified for any upper lever care (like fall risk, dispensing meds, changing IVs, etc). I even requested that their companion not have an accent since my aunt's comprehension and hearing is problem, and also she spews some pretty awful racist statements sometimes and didn't want to subject anyone to that. So, you can request a guy for your husband (especially if he needs any bathroom or hygiene help). I recommend committing to a minimum of 30 hrs per week so that you'll get the same person. The best people want the best hours, so maybe 3 or 4 days of 4 or 5 hrs each, or whatever schedule helps you the most. Maybe the afternoons if your husband sundowns. I wish you much success in finding the right solution!
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If he's a Veteran, contact his care team, ask to speak with a social worker and see if she can suggest VA options.   I've found the VA social workers to be outstanding in helping caregivers.
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I found one for Luz thru her neurologist. Reasonable priced. Used them so I could go to stores for needs.
No meds, some food, bathroom assist,clothing as needed, etc.
If he is a veteran, one of the veteran service organizations may have a lead on volunteers or companies to use.
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