
he has diabetes and his nails are very thick and long.
we have gone to many podiatrists and after one nail is cut he says he’d rather die than have any more done.

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Was discussing recently this subject with one of my brothers in law. He always screamed as a child when getting his toenails clipped. It turns out he has very sensitive feet to this day and has tremendous difficulty and pain clipping his own nails.

He uses a grinding tool similar to a Dremel.

Your husband may not be "imagining" his pain
Helpful Answer (2)
cwillie Dec 2023
I'd be worried that a tool like that would be more apt to cause an injury Barb🤔
My husband has at home foot nurse, she does soak his feet, massage, then clipping his hard nails. Worth every penny.
Helpful Answer (1)

Here's a video from YouTube showing a podiatrist cutting some unbelievably long, thick diabetic toenails. This patient doesn't have the pain issue, but the video shows technique and tools (similar ones can be purchased online).

I think soaking the feet for a long time first would be helpful. Nipping the skin would be a problem for someone with diabetes and neuropathy, but if the person's nails are already digging into the skin, it's no different.

Even if you only get 1 nail done a day, it's better than none at all.

DIY is only a last-ditch option, IMO. I tried using a Dremmel tool in a similar situation but it took forever and your LO may still freak out.
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Are these nails interfering with his walking?
Because if so he is going to require mild sedation in hospital setting to remove.
Some nails can be as much as 1/2 inch thick and much like curling horns. They will eventually prevent mobility or safe mobility. I am surprised the podiatrist didn't advise you and you need to see a better one. This just cannot be addressed safely without medical care at this point.
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Have you tried a Dremel tool?
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Are you willing to tackle this at home with some guidance from the podiatrist? If so I'd start by getting him used to foot soaks and a foot and leg massage with lotion, and then gradually move on to clipping his nails - even if you only manage one per session they will all eventually get done. Perhaps after you have gotten him used to having his feet handled an at home foot care nurse could be introduced.
Helpful Answer (3)
MJ1929 Dec 2023
I doubt most people would have the tools at home needed to do the job properly.
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