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If you are hungry and without shelter I would call your doctor. Ask for numbers for your local counsel on aging. Check in to see what might be available to you. I sure am sorry and I sure do wish you luck. Do you have friends you can speak with? Is there any chance of your sharing shelter, roommate situation, and so on?
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Try these people:
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What kind of housing are you in? You might want to move into government assisted housing where you pay what you can afford. My MIL did that and only paid about $200/month for rent.
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try local food banks, sign up for Food Stamps, sign up for Medicaid (it might help with your existing medical bills
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Are you getting free internet?
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I’m so sorry. Sometimes when people get behind, it’s really difficult for them to catch up.

Contact Council on Aging. They can tell you about senior centers in your community. Many serve a daily meal during the week. They can also set up Meals on Wheels for you.

Go to your local food bank.

Some churches have free food pantries.

Ask doctors if they have samples of your meds. Many do. Pharmaceutical reps give them plenty of samples and they frequently give them to their patients in need.

Best wishes to you. I hope your situation improves soon.
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I'm sorry for you. I would call 2-1-1 or call United Way. They probably know of resources that you can contact who would help you and the person you are caring for, with your day-to-day expenses. Ask them for a counselor that can help you set up a long term budget so that you are aware of what you can and cannot do with what little funds you have.

If you are able, I would try and get a part time job with a business that works with food, like Target or a grocery store, or Walmart or a restaurant or a food manufacturer. Many provide discounts to their employees. It isn't a very big discount, however, when you are short of money, any discount is better than no discount.

Hang in there.
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We r the same age. What do you mean by independent living, a Senior complex or your living independently in an apt. What illnesses do you have that your have dr bills. I know, must be hard in this economy to live on a fixed income. I would call your Office of Aging and tell them that you are having trouble affording food.

If you give us more info, we may be able to help u cut back.
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