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Do you mean that you need a caregiver to travel with someone to Rocky Point or that you need a caregiver once you are in Rocky Point and where is Rocky Point? In general the answer to both is the same. You can google up medical travel companions. You can also google up caregiver assitance in whatever county state and city you plan to be in.
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Isthisrealyreal Jun 2019
Rocky Point is on the coast in Mexico. Very large tourist town and not completely safe with all the cartel activity. It's the desolate road in and out that is full of potential danger. Just so you know. Also, it is to hot during the summer to be out during the day, lots of night activity.
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Try looking at Travel Buddies on They may not exactly suit your needs, but I hope at least it will help you narrow down your search terms and find ideas about where else to look.
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Maybe Bruce and Toby need a ride to Rocky Point NY 11178, concert?

Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker announces the schedule for the 2019 Downtown Rocky Point Summer Concert Series, hosted in conjunction with Rocky Point VFW Post 6249. Four concerts will be held at St. Anthony’s of Padua Parish in downtown Rocky Point (614 Rt.25A, Rocky Point). The concerts will be held during July and August and will begin at 7:00pm. The concerts draw thousands of attendees and help support local businesses. Admission is free and attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, blankets, a non-perishable food item for Long Island Cares, and an unwrapped toy for Lily’s Toy House Holiday Drive.

The Summer Concert schedule is as follows:

July 9th: Swingtime Big Band: Authentic Swing in Living Color
July 23rd: Southbound: Country Tribute to America
July 30th: Strawberry Fields: The Ultimate Beatles Tribute Band
August 27th: Mike DelGuidice: Celebrating the Music of Billy Joel and More

Strawberry fields, forever.
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Cape Fear Blues Festival, Rocky Point, NC. Hey OP, if you are going to this upcoming festival, I bet it will be great.
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JoAnn29 Jun 2019
The person posted before, OP means Mexico.
I read ur last message. The only way you are going to get a caregiver is to advertise locally. Or call an agency. Your last post says ur moving there. Why not contact an agency in that area and see if they have anyone interested in being a live in Caregiver. The person could travel where ur now and travel back with you. By doing it this way, you have someone who speaks the language, knows the customs and the area.
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