
Does anybody know of or receive in home services for themselves? If so, what sorts of things are done for you? On one hand, anything done for those we care for is also done for us because it is one less thing we need to do.

Also, do you know of any services offered to caregivers at discounted prices or better yet, free like gym memberships, dental work, or anything else?

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My family used "Home Instead", for a couple of years, for our mother. They were very good.
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Are any of you aware of services for the caregiver? Everything I have ever seen is for the one being cared for.

I think that the idea of helping the caregiver is so foreign all of us, we wouldn't even know what may be helpful or maybe even enjoyable for ourselves.
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Try visitingnurses or look online in the Denver area for home health services. If your father or mother was in the military there is a pension called Aid and Attendance which is tax-free if the veteran needs 24/7 care. Some of those funds could pay you for caregiving, but you have to apply and it could be many, many months before the VA grants this pension. The only other thing I could suggest is save your own money as you will need it to have someone care for you. No one is going to take care of you in your old age/dementia stage so everyone needs to prepare for their own care.
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