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Celia, sounds like the person is unable to get to the bathroom in time after being in bed or on the sofa for awhile. It's just pressure on the organs as we get older. Have the person limit water intake after 7pm to see if that might help, not easy if one has night time meds to take. Take the meds before 7 if possible.

I know for myself, if I have been sitting at my computer too long, then stand up, I need to race to the bathroom, and as we age, racing isn't easy :P
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My mother has accidents that happen when she stands up and hurries to the bathroom. Often she can't make it in time. This is because her abdominal muscles are weak. She can't stop the flow. I can sympathize. If I turn on running water I have to run to the bathroom. Fortunately I make it, but there might be a time in the future that I'm not fast on my feet.

One thing my mother does that helps some is takes periodic trips to the bathroom during the day so her bladder doesn't get too full. Any time she stands up she has to go because of the weak muscles. If she doesn't wait too long, she won't have an accident. She doesn't drink before bed and, unfortunately, wakes up often during the night and goes to the bathroom. She also keeps a potty container with her at night just in case. She won't wear underwear of any type -- she goes commando -- so she does the other things to help stop accidents.
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Jessie, I have the "running water" situation here, too, with myself. The sound is so intense, that even if I am in the bathroom I can barely make it in time :P
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BTW, I don't think that the relationship between the bladder and running water is psychological. I think it is physiological, since running water on the hands of children can make them let go, even before they've learned to associate water and peeing. :)
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We're in good company with much of the world, ff. Remember the old prank of pouring water on a sleeping person's hand? Some people even get the urge if they see a picture of water running.
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Bumping this up.
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