
My mom can not move, talk or pucker her lips, and grab my hand. Is it ok to ask her if she can do those things to see if she still can?

My mom can no longer pucker her lips.  She's like a mummy she used to be able to lift her hands and when I look at her move side to side her eyes just go straight when I try to move her head side to side it was really stiff. Is it okay if I ask her questions like Mom can you hear me when can you squeeze my hand things like that. is that a good idea or bad

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Yes, you can. But if this came on suddenly, she needs to go to the ER asap. If not, she still needs to go to the doctor.
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It sounds like your mom is in the last stage of Alzheimer's. They loose the ability to do many things, just like you've stated. She may not even understand your question anymore. Since you know her limitations, I wouldn't ask her to try to do them if you know she can't.

Has she had a stroke (CVA) in the past? That could be another reason why she is unable to move or talk or hold your hand.

Have you read anything on the different stages of Alzheimer's? Try for more information.
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Dear Irene,

If there is a change, I would do as hugemom has suggested and call an ambulance or get her to the hospital or doctor ASAP. Unless your mom is on hospice care, I would try and get her to a doctor to have her condition reviewed.
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If she's unable to pucker her lips make sure she stays hydrated. Use straws and put it up to her lips or in her mouth. Sometimes instinct takes over and she can get some fluid.

Have you called hospice? If not, you should. Today.
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A straw Eyerish? My mom lost the ability to suck from a straw a long time ago and needs all her fluids - thickened - spooned into her (funny, you would think that sucking would be one of the last things to go, wouldn't you).
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