
My sister and her husband came to my home (I'm 69) where I'm the full-time caregiver for my father (89). She was demanding, since she is on the title with Dad, that he sign over the proceeds from the sale of his property to her to deposit in an account in her name only with him as beneficiary. I protested and the two of them became very verbally abusive and hostile. That was last week and I'm still feeling both the emotional and physical effects of that encounter. Their behavior was in front of my father, but I suspect he's lesser affected due to dementia (but I do have a counseling appointment for him tomorrow just to be sure). I believe they committed elder abuse, harassment, perhaps domestic violence -- would I be able to make a legal complaint?

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Why is your sister on the title with your father? (Why not you, since you are doing the caregiving?)
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My father placed this sister on his property title decades ago when he was divorced from our mother. I had no knowledge of it until 10 or so years ago. She always said she upon Dad's death she would go along with his wishes regarding dispersal in three equal shares for his daughters. I moved back to Ohio in 2014 to care for my Dad and in 2016 bought my own home into which I moved my father. This necessitated the sale of his property, which brings us to all this emotional and legal turmoil.

And to MACinCT -- please know I do not feel stuck in caring for my father, it's my honor!
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Well, that's it for me. I didn't share the turmoil that is my life today to be criticized by MACinCT who knows nothing of what s/he writes. I was writing regarding possible elder abuse, but what I received was a bunch of drivel having nothing to do with the question I posed. Thanks for making me feel worse! Canceling my account . . .
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