
My mom is 83 and lives in her own home. She’s doing well, but she has an entrance to the home that worries me. When you go in her side door, which is the door we all use, there is a small landing with the stairs to the basement straight ahead and the couple stairs up to the kitchen to the right. I really worry in that little space that when she opens the door to go out, she’s going to fall down the steps. She Still goes up and down stairs fine so I don’t want to block it off, but I would like something there to keep her from backing down the cellar steps when she opens the door. I thought about some kind of gate, but I’m worried it would be more of a hindrance than a help. Any ideas?

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My grandmother had a sturdy bar that slid into a couple of brackets mounted on either side of the stairs.It was easy to lift and set it aside when she needed the stairs, just a little bit of reassurance against a misstep.
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Reply to cwillie

Mooker3194, welcome to the forum. You presented an excellent question. I know exactly what you mean with the door/stairs. Hubby's parent's house had the same design.

I don't know if this can be done and hope I can explain this clearly. Have a new door put in place but with the hinges on the other side. That way when the door opens inward, it now blocks the basement stairs. And have something block the door so it doesn't open wide into the stairwell.

The only drawback would be if workman need to install something large in the basement, but they could take the door down during that process and re-install afterwards.
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Reply to freqflyer

They now have roll up ones so when not in use it can be rolled back into the housing, many of my friends us it for their dogs. Light weight and easy to use.
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Reply to MeDolly

You described the house I grew up in to a T. I’m thinking you could have the door made to open outward so she wouldn’t have to back up toward the stairs on the landing to open it. Is it any safer for her to use the front door?
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Reply to MidwestOT

A gate she might try to step over.
Is there a way a door could be put on?
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Reply to Grandma1954

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