I think, given that Medicaid is a joint state/federal program with the rules and regulations of each state differing enormously, that all OPs should do the research for their own state. These details are readily available online and they cannot afford to be wrong. I think it's a mistake to hold a Forum of strangers liable for legal advice that is crucial to get right. There are some things that those of us with experience can answer, but our OPs need really to do their own research.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Geaton777 May 8, 2024
I agree. It always baffles me how posters can search to find this forum but somehow can't search for "[home county]+social services+elderly+Medicaid", which will return info that will easily get them headed in the right direction.
I think most of us say in our postings that Medicaid differs in every state. I know I say "in my state". Other than differences in income caps and asset levels Medicaid is basically the same in every state. We give the basics and then tell people to check with a Medicaid caseworker or Elder lawyer for more info.

Also, we are anonymous on this forum and may not want to make our State public.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29

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