
Where can I learn about this option?

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Don't confuse Medicare with MedicAID. They are 2 different programs. Medicare is what US citizens pay into their whole working life and when they turn 65 they receive Medicare Part A, plus they can purchase Part B and D (that is really glossing over a lot, look it up on Medicaid, on the other hand is available to US citizens of any agec who are below poverty level, but they must apply and qualify for it and re-apply (to prove you still qualify!) every 6 months (someone please correct that, it has been a long time since I was on MedicAID). Medicare does NOT pay for any caregiving--they only pay medical professionals, not for companion or custodial care. MedicAID is in some states able to pay an incredibly small amount for a limited number of hours of is most definitely not even approaching a "living wage" and even if you live in a state that might pay you this small amount, keep in mind, they will deduct federal and state taxes from it (and receiving this caregiver pay could dis-qualify YOU from receiving SSDI and or MedicAID).....So, there are not many people who should be interested in pursuing caregiver pay thru MedicAID. Instead, try getting a job for higher wages as a independent contractor, you could make $25/hour this way.
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For those people taking care of anyone 65 or older....the person you are caring for should have the yearly Medicare book (size of a phone book) where you can look up some of your questions.
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Sorry, Medicare does not cover in-home assistance provided by family members.

To learn what is covered and what isn't covered, this Medicare website is good.
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Sometimes the state u live in have programs. Pa. advertises all the time.
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I personnally wouldn't pay $25 for a caregiver unless certified and has experience. In my area, only agencies get that. $15 is about right here in S Jersey.
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Medicaid is a joint federal & state program administered by the states under an overall federal guideline. Just what programs & funding & eligibility depends on your state as to how they divvy up the $.

At home programs are a diversion of Medicaid funding. They are often called IHHS - in home health services; or CBS/CBC - community based services /care. How they tend to work is that the elder is evaluated as to what services needed & # of hours of specialized care. If they need more than 32/36 hours, none will be paid as they need care in a facility. Based on what others have posted on this site, 16-20 hrs a week at slightly above minimum wage is paid. This is fully reportable income too. Caregiver will have to take a course to qualify & have no felony record. California has a pretty detailed & established IHHS. Most other states don't.

What states are doing now is shifting from individual IHHS /CBC programs to PACE. In theory PACE is more comprehensive care & with cost efficiencies. If your area has a PACE center, they have to sign up for this first & foremost before they can apply for other programs. Where I live in new Orleans, there is the Benson PACE center nearby & the Medicaid qualified elderly have to apply & be placed on the PACE waiting list to be eligible for another program unless there are special circumstances (like they are bedfast or in another set-aside like dialysis care).

Most caregiving in the US is done by family & for free.
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