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Perhaps a neurologist. When my mom, who has dementia, got combative/argumentative, he prescribed Donepezil. She's been taking a low dose for several years. Occasionally, when she has hallucinations, we give her Quetiapine, which neurologist also prescribed. Praying for you and your family. This is so difficult to deal with. Thank God for this forum!
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Reply to DeniseV

Benzos, such as Xanax and Valium, are not recommended for long term treatment of anxiety, especially in elders. An antidepressant/anti anxiety medication that's taken daily is what's recommended, saving Xanax for acute, emergency situations only. A psych consult is a good idea, but be prepared to ask questions.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lealonnie1

Great idea . Xanax is a heavy drug and the withdrawals are awful if you Miss a dose . A psychiatrist is a good Idea - the thing is Xanax has to be tapered off slowly . A word of advice after tapering down she could be given a Low dose of Valium .
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Reply to KNance72
lealonnie1 Jan 2024
Valium and Xanax are BOTH benzos. Why would she wean off of Xanax just to go on Valium? This is senseless.
I just fail to see how any psyc consult could HURT. Any good psychiatrist will tell you if he feels that geriatric dementia specialist is the best way to go, or would consult with him on the case. I am uncertain why you would hesitate? Can you tell us.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Helen, I'm curious why you are hesitant to get a consult with a Geriatric Psychiatrist for you mom. Can you articulate the reasons?

Throughout my mom's elder years, both before and after her official diagnosis with Mild Cognitive Impairment and later Vascular Dementia (after a stroke), the psychiatric docs and Nurses were the folks who offered us the most holistic and compassionate solution to mom's issues.

I'm sure we can put your mind at rest if you tell us what your thinking about this issue is.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to BarbBrooklyn

yep psych consult. don't let the nursing home bully you either. They like to have those wretched 'family meetings' where they dance around sayings like "well maybe this just isn't a good fit for your mom". kindly remind them they are the professionals, mom cannot come home or move, and they need to figure it out as elder care professionals.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to aj6044

yes, ask for psych consult
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to strugglinson

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