
Or is something else happening? My mother reorganizes all of the closets, kitchen cabinets, the silverware drawer, all the time. My husband and I are very concerned about this behavior, is this normal for her age? She is going deaf, she is going blind, she is very healthy otherwise(according to her doctor), She dusts constantly. Does anyone see this in their aging parents? We are concerned and confused. She has always been a "tidy" person, but this goes beyond what we think is normal. Thank you for any ideas.

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I don't know, but could you please give her my address? :)
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im next Jeanne. im not cleaning my kitchen until I get around to remodeling it. it gives the remodeling job a greater urgency..
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Has she been seen by a geriatric neuropsychologist or psychiatrist? Has she had an mri or cat scan of her brain?
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my aunt rummages in her purse. we may be taking a drive and she'll correct herself and choose to look at the scenery. 5 minutes later shes rummaging again. its cool with me. these are her personal effects and they comfort her.
my mother laundered her bed linens every day. meh , harmless enough.
ocd aint all bad. mom bought me a few clothes before she died , got tired of looking at my rags.. he he
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LadyD, It could be because of your Mom's eyesight, she's not sure if she had dusted everything, so it is easier for her to dust daily. If it keeps her busy, let her do it. It's good exercise... same with the reorganizing.

Hey Captain, I am doing the same thing with my kitchen... plus there's been a large water stain on the kitchen ceiling so I keep it as an excuse ;)
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My take is somewhat different. It's my understanding that sometimes when a mind is experiencing some chaos, the individual will do basic things like organizing, cleaning, something which can help order the thoughts.

I've seen this at work when one of my supervisors was under a great deal of unusual stress and switched his focus from managing to doing. It helped him organize and control his thoughts to move back into the role he had played for years.

It's kind of like "taking it down a notch or two" to regroup.

I actually see it as a good sign that your mother is trying to not only find useful work but to use her organization skills to help focus on something other than her physical condition.
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Put me on the list after Jeannie and Captain. Sounds like a harmless way to keep busy. Although I can see where you may be scared that she may fall. Personally I prefer to frisk the fall and maintain a level of usefulness and physical activity than to sit in front of the tv all day.
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All part of her dementia..
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Thank you all for everything you said here. It is hard to watch this strong, once very vital woman slow down. She was a lot of things to a lot of people in her life and even though it is hard to be with her sometimes( she is passive/aggressive), but I still care about what happens to her. She never tells us when something hurts etc. until it is beyond aspirin for pain relief. That is her generation and her way. Thank you again. I won't worry too much. We will just keep a closer eye on things and her.
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It's only a problem if your mother herself gets upset or over-anxious. But (sounding like a broken record) if it's a change in her behaviour, or if it's getting really extreme, do report it to her doctor because it might warrant investigation.

LadyDi3 I love how much you respect your mother's individuality. It is hard, and - how do I put this? - sometimes these ladies really don't make it any easier, shall we say. Huge sympathy.
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