
It seemed to have an orange or green contour . She is anemic & her red blood Her red blood count is very low right now . The large black/brown spot is lighter today , more greyish. She cannot get an appointment at the ophtalmologiste until next week . Should she go for emergency ?

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Well. If it were my eye, I'd consider it an emergency. Wouldn't you?

The worst that can happen if you go and it's nothing is that you've wasted a bit of time and money. The worst that can happen if you don't go and it's - God forbid - a detached retina or something ghastly... doesn't bear thinking about. Me, I'd take her now.
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I would call the 24-hour nurse helpline provided by her clinic or insurance company, describe the situation in detail, and be guided by their advice.
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I'm with Churchmouse. Go now to an ER associated with a hospital with ophthalmologist.
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You need to get her to a Retinal Care Specialist. From your explanation she is experiencing a Vitreous Hemorrhage and/or a Retinal tear or detachment. They should be able to see her as soon as possible. She could lose her vision.
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Thank you for your recommendations everyone . I live in the U.S. but my parents live in France. My mum had gone to emergencies but they turned her down saying they only had an ophthalmologist for in - patients at the hospital. I told her to go to her ophthalmologist the next day at lunch time , to catch the doctor himself on his way to lunch , and bypass the secretary , and ask him what she should do. So my mum wrote a detailed description of her condition and handed it to the doctor the next day . After reading he asked the secretary to secure an appointment sooner . It turned out it was a vitreous hemorrhage and the spot started to get lighter the day after I posted here. Thank you so much to everyone who replied . It is always good to get somebody else's perspective and I am grateful for you taking the time to reply. God Bless. Sophie.
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