
Person slides down recliner onto floor every 4-6 hours every day. Utilizes 911 for scooting her back into recliner.knowing this person is not able to egress or knowing one of these “slides” will eventually end in an injury…are the first responders liable for neglect and abandonment?
sliding into the floor is not a medical complaint… do they have to scooter her back up?

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Is this person mentally competent? I’m not sure what the procedure is for EMTs who are called to assist a person like this living alone but I would contact Adult Protective Services.
Helpful Answer (4)
Beatty Dec 2022
I've heard multiple callouts to same address triggers APS or a welfare check but love to hear how that actually works.
Competent and she has a stack of APS reports…even law enforcement intervention for 911 abuse.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
911 abuse? Can you elaborate a bit more on this please?

I called 911 to assist with falls with my mom. They were very kind and gentle with my mom.

How are they mistreating her? I can’t imagine how trained professionals could respond in an abusive manner. Have you complained to anyone about this treatment? If so, what answers did you receive?
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Oh no, over burdening the 911 system for non emergency needs can be prosecuted. She abuses the 911 system calling 4-8 times a day to get assistance back into her chair after sliding out of it. Occasional help is fine but this goes way beyond. Criminal charges are a last resort and do not fix the problem. My question is the liability on first responders for leaving her home (what she wants) knowing she can not adequately take care of all her needs.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
Sorry that I misread that information. Got it. Thanks for clarifying.

I am not sure how that works. Others who have been through this will be able to answer.

Stick around for information.
To get any sensible answers, you need to say
1) WHO this person is and their relationship to you. Sometimes a ‘person’ is in fact the poster his/her self – often very self-righteous about their independence.
2) How old the person is and their actual medical issues
3) Who, if anyone, has a closer responsibility than you. A POA? Guardian? Spouse? Adult child? And how are they involved at present?
4) Who are the ‘first responders’, and how do they fit into the picture?

You are anonymous on this forum. If you want help, you need to provide more information.
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Profile says the OP is caring for the person.

And yes, if 911 is called over and over again, then I think it advised that that person calling be placed where they can get help or hire someone to be there 24/7.

Why do they keep sliding out. Maybe one of those car cushion that are like a wedge would work. The thin part of the wedge goes to the back of the chair making it hard to get out.

I would call APS.
Helpful Answer (1)

How is this bedbound person eating, drinking, toileting & maintaining their hygeine?

Stack of APS reports already? But still living alone?


Does the person simply get up themselves when they choose to?

Otherwise, SOMEONE must be visiting & enabling this situation.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
My mom would push the remote buttons and nearly throw herself out of her chair.

Falls are so upsetting for everyone. It’s a difficult situation. Sadly, fairly common too.
How can first responders be held liable for neglect and abandonment in such a situation, I don't get it? If 911 was responsible to pick up elders every 4-6 hours when they fell out of a RECLINER, then there would need to be millions more EMTs on staff in each city around the country JUST to help stubborn elders who have no business sitting in RECLINERS in the first place if they fall out of said recliners every 4 hours and call 911 to be picked up!

EMTs are not babysitters or eldercare aides.

When my demented aunt was calling 911 repeatedly and abusing the system, her phone was removed in order to prevent such abuse.

Where is this elder's FAMILY members/POAs located that such blatant abuse is being allowed to continue on a daily basis, unchecked???

It seems obvious that legal counsel needs to be looked into about YOUR rights in this matter. And APS should be FORCED by law enforcement to PLACE this elder in managed care immediately.
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NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
Yep! Taking the phone away would most certainly work.

They fall easily everywhere, out of bed, chair, bathroom. It’s sad.

I still think about your solution to the falling in the shower, water shoes! That was very clever.

So many elders, my mom included, were terrified of slipping in the shower. We had safety grab bars but falling still happens.

The falls happen so fast. A person can be standing right next to them but can’t act fast enough to catch them.
Medic, I have tried to find what NSF means in this context, to no avail. Can you please tell us what you mean?
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lealonnie1 Dec 2022
I thought he meant SNF and got the letters reversed :)
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