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I would suggest contacting your local chapter for Parkinson's Disease and talk to someone about possible Assistive Technology devices for communicating with your husband. Best of luck.
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Hi Ms. Clark --

Your husband's primary care provider may be able to refer him for speech therapy. Together with a SLP you may find either therapies or assistive technology which can help. Check to find a speech language professional in your area.

I hope this information is helpful to you and your family!

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look into music therapy. sing to him as if you were talking. sing his old favorites and see if he will sing along. there is information on the internet about this music-based therapy.
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I agree with the other answers you have gotten. However, in the mean time I might suggest to you to try to talk to him in question form as much as possible so you can get a yes or no answer. try to have him speak a word at a time instead of a complete sentence ex; "I want a drink" break it down to "drink".I used to look after a woman that after an accident she was not able to speak clearly at all. I felt so bad when I couldn't understand her. but the lady was very understanding, her family had her learn a little sign language for simple everyday words like "thank you" "drink" etc.. we talked to her in question form, had her say a word at a time if I couldn't figure it out I would ask her to try to spell word. I even went through the house and pointed out objects and had her say them a couple times so I could get used to what certain words sounded like. It took me quite a while to get a system of understanding, but you will learn what works for the both of you. I would like to add that I am sure you get upset but try not to show him just stay calm and you will figure it out. Hope it helps a little until you get some speech therapy.
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My mother had difficulties speaking after her stroke, one thing I learned was to be patient and not try to guess what she was trying to say. All this did was frustrate her more.

Make sure you are facing him and listening closely; use hand gestures and when you speak, do it slowly.

One person mentioned singing old songs. There is a great SingALong book by Memory Jogging Puzzles with old time favorites, large type and great pictures.
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He received speech therapy for 3 months this past year and his therapist is willing to come out again - just in the process of getting the Dr. script for it and approval. She felt he was going to be one of the ones who will loose his speech ability. sad at age 47. We see the primary care Dr. every 3 weeks - he mentioned a IPad or Netbook or Full Keyboard phone so he can type out his words - those items are less costly than a copay for the IWriter device. I will look into the singing therapy as well - if nothing else he will laugh at my singing and we could all use a laugh. I get very flustrated as you can only imagine. Thanks for your advice.
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my mate as als and the mda can help you get a speech computer. he has had one for 10 years and it is wonderful. I am not good with computers but even i can operate it and all our caregivers have been able to use it . get a letter board is very helpful when the power goes out or you do not have a computer for him to use. also get a toy that makes noise when you push the button so he can use to signal you. he used it all the time and it is very handy. let me know if you need any more suggestions, have been doing this for 10 years and he has thought up a lot of ideas that has been very helpful. good luck and dont ever give up
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SOUNDS like you are proactive. Perseverance and persistance pays off! you can research singing therapy...I would definitely try singing conversations with him.
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I realize this is an old post but I would also suggest looking into some of the new Tap to Talk type devices that have been developed to help autistic people.
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My husband is 70 years old, recently diagnosed but has had it fir awhile. He is getting speech therapy and it is working great. His voice is getting stronger and he us remembering words better. Sending prayers.
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My husband was dx. with Pd in 2011. Looking back I can see that he has had Pd jfor maybe 10 years per dx. Our Neurologist is the head of the dept. In one of the best hospitals. I a, wpnderong why he has never mentioned vocal therapy? Could it possibly be because DH uses hearing aids... though of vourse he never uses them.

It is getting harder for me to understand him. He has had a 5 word cadence but no seem to be speking in a different pattern and more softly. I spend my time translating for him. It hurts me to have to be the go-betwen. I would love for him to again communicate better again. His Dr. told me he doesn't like to put a person in a certain # but did say he was around 2.5..... I'm a bit overwhelmed . What, if any options do I have?
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Bringing this back to the top.
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Good luck with the speech therapy.I had my father's doctor write a prescription for speech therapy so others and myself could understand him. He did very well with the speech therapist but he would not do vocal exercises at home unless someone did it with him. I thought he might be embarassed if we heard him practice. My husband and I stay with him as he can't be left alone but we do maintenance on rental properties. We leave him alone for small periods of time but hire a sitter if we are away for three or more hours. I suggested to my father to practice his "homework" during commercials on T.V
He can speak louder when he wants because I took him snd stayed during his speech therapy sessions. He also has a tendency to talk with a glass up to his mouth or with a toothpick in his mouth. He also turns up the TV so you have to go sit bedside him so you can understand him. I am do frustrated by his lack of participation. I thought he may have hearing loss because of TV volume so we had his hearing tested and he had minimal hearing loss. Any suggestions on getting my father to practice speech therapy at home?
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My husband was diagnosed with PD 20 years ago - speech has slowly deteriorated. He has been receiving speech therapy for over 2 years now but just started LSVT - lsvtglobal/patient-resources/what-is-lsvt-big We are one week into a 4 week 4 times a day plan - results are already amazing. We've know about this program for years through our support group and Parkinson's community. But, in the words of my husband, "Why didn't we do this years ago?"
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SEARCH LSVT BIG THERAPY on line and find a certified clinician. Then get a prescription from your doctor for PD therapy. This therapy is 4x a week for 4 weeks. It has made such a difference in my father! He can speak!!!!
He can speak LOUDLY (we have to remind him)
And he has a better gait . He used to shuffle & stop at thresholds...this therapy helped him so much.
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