
It is everyday and he is having a soft diet already. Any suggestions?

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Even he eats already yogurt, oats, mashed potatoes, soft fruits, fresh juices like watermelon and grapes but still he can't make it everyday. NIT takes; 4-5 days before he can make it and its very hard and very difficult for him. Anyone can help will be much appreciated by your honor private nurse Filipina.
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Aleah, ask his doctor or nursing team first, but Lactulose is often given for constipation caused by drugs such as codeine. It should open him up nicely. DO NOT DO THAT WITHOUT CHECKING FIRST!!!

If he is able to chew and swallow well, dried fruit such as raisins and dates can often help - you could chop them and add them to his oatmeal, for example.

I'm sure you will get many many more suggestions in a minute or two :) Good luck!
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greens such as spinich, kale, turnip greens should help. Apples and stewed prunes are also credited for being good for regular bathroom habits. Have his magnesium levels checked. If the doctor approves, give him 500 mg magnesium at night at bed time (available at health food stores). Do not do anything with magnesium unless the doctor approves. Senna is a natural laxative and is available as senna tea.
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Aleah, his doctor needs to know about this, there is something wrong if the stool is very hard and he is on a soft diet.
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My mom was like that. She is 90 and has no bowel control. We give her miralax (generic is finr) almost daily. This causes her to be quite loose but at least its moving.
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I've struggled with constipation all my life. My favorite natural fixes: ground flaxseed (up to 3 tablespoons) in juice. Let it sit and soften for about 10 minutes. Also can try in tiny amounts (an eighth of teaspoon) of Triphala (herbs from India) at night before bed. Helps tone the muscles to create bowel movement. Cook up some oakra: not fried, but steam it in a dash of water. Drink plenty of water all day.
Drink peppermint tea for gas if there is some. Chamomile helps sleep and calms the tummy. Even vitamin C powder in tiny amounts can help: advice from my ND.

There could be obstructions from parasites, and all other kinds of problems too.
discussing it with the doctor is good idea. Although some of them don't seem to take this seriously.
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immaryb's suggestion of Miralax is a good one. Miralax pulls water into the large intestine and helps to keep the stool softer and moving. Many doctors prescribe it for their elderly patients. It can also be bought OTC if you're not worried about Medicare covering it. I buy it OTC for my mother. Being a coupon clipper, I love those $3 off coupons that are often in the Sunday paper.

Miralax is gentle, but does pull water from the body. Ask the doctor if he/she thinks it is a good idea. If yes, then make sure your patient gets extra water during the day. Some doctors may also prescribe something stronger to be used at longer intervals if a BM does not occur. It is important to prevent impaction. If something like Miralax does not soften the stool enough, you may want to add a stool softener that you can buy OTC.
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try prunes or prune juice I give my mom about 4 prunes as a "snack".It does the trick
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