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you mean like recurrent pneumonia or sepsis? severe weight loss?
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aspirated,and had fever hardly had ate or it is can onky take liquid food .lost more weight,this is the second time yhis happened,but this time is worst .
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I'm sorry I did not try again to answer before...

Most folks with aspiration problems do well with purees and nectar to honey consistency drinks rather than thinner liquids, with the exception of plain water taken between meals with excellent oral hygeine, AKA the Frazier protocol. What happens if they don't modify the diet adn keep aspirating small amounts is the lungs peridocially get overhwlemed and infectiosn set in. These will usual repsond to a round of antibiotics but eventually there may be enough damage to the lungs that does not resolve that a worse pneumonia will develop, and possibly end up in sepsis that can be fatal if it does not get treated successfully. My dad was just on thickened liquids and usually did fine, but if he vomited for any reason that's when he would really be ill. They once kept him on purees for a month, in the absence of an actual swallowing study, but his doc and I decided to go with what clinically seemed to be OK and also kept his quality of life satisfactory. He used to take a good hour to finsih his dinners, but finish them he did, and he was in a good home where they let him, without fail! The last episode of pneumonia was again due to vomiting and that last time, despite the antibiotics that usually worked, given IV at the nursing home, he passed on. The doctor had decided we would not go back to the hosital or the ICU again, and I was not quite sure I agreed but they did the most agressive treatment they could at the home and it all seemed reasonable...big sigh here...but that's our story, and I hope it helps in some way. Feel free to write back with any other specific questions and I'll try to be more timely!
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are grants or funds available for caregiver respite relief
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