
When are you allowed to? How long may it take? In Minnesota?

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Deb, I will answer your post just to move it closer to the top of the list... that way maybe someone could be able to answer you.

If not, you would need to call your State Medicaid office and get the information from them. Please note that each State has their own regular, regulations, and programs.
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Hoping to bump this up again. Can you give us more information, Deb? Is this for a parent, spouse? What is their financial situation and where are they living now?
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In Ohio you can apply online or stop in your local Job and Family Services for an application. There is an initial phone call with a case worker and after that they will send you a 'goals' request. You have to provide five years of financial records to prove that the intended recipient has not given assets away. Once you provide all the documentation they require and, the recipient has $1500 or less in assets (Ohio), you will be approved and notified by the state. *You will need POA to acquire records you don't have on hand.* If you are over qualification limits there are legitimate ways to spend down and still qualify or qualify earlier. Voice of experience here: get the bank records ASAP and go through them. I would have done much less 'documenting' for my FIL if I had waited another month to apply. It took about six weeks to go through the whole process but, the nursing home just classified my FIL as 'Medicaid pending' while we went through the process.
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For a link to the various state agency contacts (and the rules for each state, how to apply, etc.), see
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For assistance with medical expenses you can apply at any time. For long term care the rules are much stricter. I suggest that if you believe someone may need ling term care in the future, apply now. It is easier to switch from regular to LTC Medicaid than to apply for LTC directly. Check online for specific rules regarding assets if the recipient has any significant property. Giving anything away can disqualify the recipient from long term care coverage, however there are quite a few items that are exempt from the property calculations.
For Minnesota, start here:
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Deb7926: #1 Go to, #2 fill out the app, #3 do the 2K and under spend down and #4 be prepared for the 5 yr lookback.
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